Many waterfalls in the USA are not accessible by wheelchair. Bob, my husband, and I are traveling the USA to search for waterfalls accessible by wheels (wheelchairs, bikes, strollers).
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Bob and Jan
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Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I will play again!
"Asleep at the Wheel" was the cure again today. T was nodding his head to the beat of the music. You can tell he wants to sing and play his guitar in the worse way. He was tapping his fingers as though he was playing his guitar.
T was given a guardian bell from his cousin, Leslie, and her husband, Don. The bell is from Harley Davidson. The story behind the bell is that when hung from the bike, the bad demons are trapped in the bell, and when rung, the demons fall out. The biker is protected from bad things. If given by a friend, the protection is twice as strong. The bell is hung on the end of his bed; so, every time the bed is moved, the bell rings.
Prayer from Pastor Daryl:
God of grace and glory, holy comforter, healing Spirit, we give you thanks for Bob’s continuing recovery and renewal. Continue to reach out and bring him healing through the hands of those who care for him. Radiate through his life with the light of your presence, that renewed health and strength may be his. Grant to him and those dear to him the continuing assurance of your steadfast love and mercy that they may know the peace that comes from you; through Christ our healer. Amen.
stroke info:
VIBRA Specialty Hospital: 10300 NE Hancock St., Portland, OR 97220 Rm
Monday, June 29, 2009
T is mouthing some words. I asked him if he wanted talk with his parents. He mouthed, "sure". I gave him two beanie babies to hold (likes to hold things to feel the texture ). One was a puppy. I asked him if the beenie babies were better to hold, he mouthed, "I think so". He was holding a tube of lotion.
One of the best parts is that he can lift his arms far enough to give me a hug.
When I left tonight, I gave him a hug and kiss goodnight and slipped away as he listened to "Wide Load". I could tell he wanted to sing. It will come. Patience is a virtue. All who know me, I'm a very calm person.
**Hopefully, tomorrow, I will be able to post pictures from my phone onto the computer. I have one from today that shows Bob holding his guitar. He shook his head "no" when asked to play for us.
Prayer from Pastor Daryl:
God of grace and glory, holy comforter, healing Spirit, we give you thanks for Bob’s continuing recovery and renewal. Continue to reach out and bring him healing through the hands of those who care for him. Radiate through his life with the light of your presence, that renewed health and strength may be his. Grant to him and those dear to him the continuing assurance of your steadfast love and mercy that they may know the peace that comes from you; through Christ our healer. Amen.
stroke info:
VIBRA Specialty Hospital: 10300 NE Hancock St., Portland, OR 97220 Rm 315
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Lazy sunday
I'm taking Bob's guitar with me tomorrow. It will be interesting to see his reaction. I hope I don't put him in a "tail-spin" of frustration.
Prayer from Pastor Daryl:
God of grace and glory, holy comforter, healing Spirit, we give you thanks for Bob’s continuing recovery and renewal. Continue to reach out and bring him healing through the hands of those who care for him. Radiate through his life with the light of your presence, that renewed health and strength may be his. Grant to him and those dear to him the continuing assurance of your steadfast love and mercy that they may know the peace that comes from you; through Christ our healer. Amen.
stroke info:
VIBRA Specialty Hospital: 10300 NE Hancock St., Portland, OR 97220 Rm 315
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Moving right along
The hospital Bob is in now has only 20 patients. Most of the patients have trachs and are being weaned off of them. It seems to be a personable hospital. The staff seem to be caring. (I'll keep them on their toes if they demonstrate otherwise. :-D ) The address for VIBRA is at the end of this blog. Bob will be in this hospital for 2-4 weeks. Then, if all goes well, he'll be transferred to the Roseburg, VA.
One of the therapists told me yesterday that they'll work on getting his mid-torso stronger, then the arms and legs will follow.
Life lesson sent to me:
- accept each day as a gift from God and to live it fully , as no one knows what tomorrow will bring.
Prayer from Pastor Daryl:
God of grace and glory, holy comforter, healing Spirit, we give you thanks for Bob’s continuing recovery and renewal. Continue to reach out and bring him healing through the hands of those who care for him. Radiate through his life with the light of your presence, that renewed health and strength may be his. Grant to him and those dear to him the continuing assurance of your steadfast love and mercy that they may know the peace that comes from you; through Christ our healer. Amen.
stroke info:
VIBRA Specialty Hospital: 10300 NE Hancock St., Portland, OR 97220 Rm 315
Friday, June 26, 2009
New digs
I will be going to Zachary's band camp concert tomorrow at Seaside, OR, then to Roseburg for the weekend. I feel better about being away from Bob for a short time now that he's out of OHSU. I already miss him terribly though; it's only been two hours. :-(
Life lesson: Life's too short. Evaluate what is important and give the rest to someone else to worry about.
Have a good weekend.
email: jiachini
stroke info:
new address: (I'll get the mailing address for you in tomorrow's blog.)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Woo-hoo! Bob had a good night.
I think he was glad to hear my voice first thing in the morning. I got a smile and a good morning kiss. I turned on CNN for news and the stock market quotes. Maybe if I put the laptop on his belly, he'd feel right at home. :-D
I'll give an update later today.
brain info:
OHSU: Robert Pirie, OHSU 3181 SW Sam Jackson, Portland, OR 97239 10K room 8
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
do ta-do ta-do
Today is a high stress day for me. It was two weeks ago, tonight, that he went back to the ICU for the second time. Two weeks ago, he was moved from ICU to 10K on a Monday; admitted to room 8, had physical therapy on a Tuesday, slept on Wednesday, and back to the ICU at 2am. And now, he was moved from ICU on Monday, admitted to room 8, had physical therapy on tuesday and wednesday...I'm sleeping here tonight!
I feel, this time, he looks better than before. During physical therapy today, he was mouthing words a mile a minute. His trach is preventing him from making any sound, but that will change soon. I told him he can ride his Harley tomorrow. He just shook his head and had a look of disappointment. The physical therapist explained to him what happened to him. He seemed to undertstand. He had a look of "Oh shit!"
He's lost about 70 pounds. I guess, he can vouch for the liquid diet; but, I'm sure a big steak would taste good right now.
If I haven't said it already, thank you everyone for your prayers, love, and support. Even if I did, I can't say it enough. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
stroke info:
brain info:
OHSU: 3181 SW Sam Jackson, Portland, OR 97239 10K room 8
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Is that a trick question?
Oh my goodness. As I write this, t is making girgling sounds with his trach on purpose and smiling as though to say, "Bet you can't do this!"
I was looking at some papers from speech therapy. One section lists a bunch of things after "I want" like, food, drink, wife, husband, sleep, bathroom, walk, and many more. One item is suction. Now, I know what that means for those who have trachs, but really folks, Bob is a male through and through. Don't all men want suction. hahahaha... (Sorry...see what sleep deprivation can do. My mind is in the gutter!)
More life lessons:
- sometimes bad things happen to good people. In this case, to a really good and special person.
- I have also learned to NEVER underestimate the power of prayer, nor the extraordinary healing power of a loved one who is willing to spend endless hours at the bedside of an extremely ill soul mate.
What's your life lesson? email:
stroke info:
OHSU: 3181 SW Sam Jackson, Portland, OR 97239 10K, Rm#8.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Out of ICU today
I have mixed emotions about leaving the ICU. I'm happy that my t is making progress, but then, I'm scared. I fear because of what happened a few weeks ago when he was on floor 10K; a second stroke and back to the ICU. However, I think he's at a better place health-wise to move out of ICU this time. In my opinion, he needed a few more days of rest before physical therapy and occupational therapy started the last time.
Michele and Dean, helped him put his arm around me while I gave him a hug this morning. He didn't want to let go! Hugging me put a big smile on his face!
Here are a few life lessons that were sent to me:
- I have learned that love can conquer all, that everything happens for a reason and God puts us where we need to be when we are faced with the reality of daily living.
- As for life lesson, this is a reminder that life is short, and that we dare not take our health for granted. Also, on the totally positive side for us God-fearing Christians - God is always in control, and this life is but a fleeting moment of preparation for the best to come.
- I think one should live each day as if it is your last day on earth and not to have any regrets.
New website I found helpful:
OHSU: 3181 SW Sam Jackson, Portland, OR 97239 10K rm#14
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Bob is emerging again
He is still in the ICU. The doctors want him to be able to cough the gook out of his trach more on his own before sending him to a floor that doesn't have one-on-one nursing contact.
Thank you for your continued recovery prayers and your support to me. Have you thought of your life lesson yet? Email it to me.
stroke info:
OHSU: 3181 SW Sam Jackson, Portland, OR 97239 NeuroICU
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Day, umm...37?
He may not have much arm strength, but he has very strong grip strength. I gave him a rolled up washcloth to hold. I tried to take it from him, because his arm muscles were beginning to twitch. It took three of us to pry it from his hand. He was holding it so tight. He must have been thinking about whipping cattle around or bailing hay.
The catheter was taken out of his head. Now the only thing attached to him is his trach and a mist blower tube.
Have you figured out your life's lesson from this event yet? Email it to me. I'm going to list them anonymously, of course.
stroke info:
OHSU: 3181 SW Sam Jackson, Portland, OR 97239 NeuroICU
Friday, June 19, 2009
Big smiles!
I had a successful day too. I was able to get Bob registered into the VA system! Looking like you are at your wits end, tired, and sitting in a wheelchair makes some people be very helpful. So, there's one advantage of being in a wheelchair. (only one!) With a little more luck, when he's ready to bust out of this joint, he will transfer to Roseburg VA hospital. We live in Roseburg. My kids are missing us terribly. My dog, Bentley, is missing us too.
Pray for a great recovery. Bob's "on the road again".
stroke info:
OHSU: 3181 SW Sam Jackson, Portland, OR 97239, neuroICU
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Quiet day
Since today was quiet, I think this would be a good time to write what is on my mind. One doesn't know how they would handle themselves in this type of situation. My career choices have always been working with a well-person by being an educator or designing employee wellness programs. The thought of adult body fluids always made my stomach turn up-side-down. But, you know what, when you love someone as much as Bob and I do , the tasks of clipping fingernail and toenails and wiping the boogers from a nose or eyes are not difficult at all.
A few weeks ago, I posed a question, "What lesson is God trying to each of us individually?" One of my lessons is that I'm being shown what true love really is. I think there are many different levels of love. This love that I feel for Bob can't be described in words; it is a gut and flirting heart feeling. I also think it's true love when I look at my t with a half shaved head, tubes coming out of every orifice, and a limp body with googly eyes and still thinking he's so cute.
stroke information: mail: OHSU, Robert Pirie, 3181 SW Sam Jackson, Portland, OR 97239 NeuroICU
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
T is going to crap his pants when....
Now tell me (those of you who know Bob's musical side), is he going to crap his pants when he hears that message? Ya, you betcha!
Today, the nurse said that Bob would be out of the ICU, except for the fact, he has the drain in his head. The neurosurgeons gave him a drug in his head today that will break up the clot. The broken up clot will drain out. Then, the drain will be removed and we're back to 10K. KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED AND PRAY that all goes well.
stroke information:
mail: OHSU, Robert Pirie, 3181 SW Sam Jackson, Portland, OR 97239 NeuroICU
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Day 34
Bob just made my day! As I was typing this, I glanced up at him, he moved his head and eyes to look directly at me, then he pursed his lips like he wanted a kiss. Of course, I granted his wish immediately. I washed his face with a warm washcloth too, now, he's fast to sleep.
I told him that he's going to be a chapter in a textbook for aneurysm recovery. He's going to be a survivor who doesn't fit in the textbook recovery (or lack of recovery) scores. He'll be in a scale all his own. It's the scale best suited for hard-working people who are farmers at heart. :o)
I can feel all of your prayers being said. Please continue praying. Bob has a loooonnnng way to go. But, with your help, he'll be predicting the grain and cattle market in no time.
aneurysm info: OHSU address: 3181 SW Sam Jackson, Portland, OR 97239 NeuroICU
Day...too many
Bob was taken completely off of the ventilator. He's breathing all on his own. Also, the nurse said he's back to his baseline that he was the first time around. Now, he goes forward with progress. He stepped back to do it better this time, the second time.
aneurysm info: OHSU address: 3181 SW Sam Jackson, Portland, OR 97239 NeuroICU
Monday, June 15, 2009
"Asleep at the Wheel" is the cure
Bob became more awake yesterday afternoon. Playing the CD "Asleep At The Wheel", seemed to be a shot of adrenalin for him. "Miles and miles of TX" came on (a song he sings with Wide Load). I told him to tap his foot. He wiggled his foot back and forth a few times.
Later, I asked him if he wanted a kiss. His heartrate shot up to 110. I told him he had to wait until the nurse came so she could adjust the bed. His heartrate came back down. Five minutes later, the nurse adjusted the bed, and I leaned over him to give him a kiss. He puckered. The kiss he gave me was better than last week's. So, I gave him another. The nurse's reaction could have torn my heart out. She said, "Awe, that is so sweet. Look at how he's looking at you. I just got goosebumps. You can tell he's really in there."
Things are looking up again. Keep the prayers coming, please.
aneurysm info: OHSU address: 3181 SW Sam Jackson, Portland, OR 97239 NeuroICU
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Beating the odds
The doctor says that Bob is definitely beating the odds. You know, I have never seen the day that he has backed down from a fight! When this is all done, I can hear him apologizing for taking so long.
The doctor says his vital signs are good and he's breathing on his own; now we wait to see what Bob wants to do in the recovery process. His obstacles right now are redirecting his shunt, pneumonia, and waking up. He is still in ICU and is being monitored continuously.
Please pray for survival and recovery.
aneurysm info: OHSU address: 3181 SW Sam Jackson, Portland, OR 97239 NeuroICU
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Back to square one
Many of you are praying for him, please continue.
aneurysm info:
OHSU address: 3181 SW Sam Jackson, Portland, OR 97239 NeuroICU
Waiting waiting waiting
All of Bob's vital sign are good. The vent was turned down low, so he is doing most the breathing. The vent is there for backup. Now we wait for him to wake up again.
Continue to send prayers his way.
stroke info:
OHSU: 3181 SW Sam Jackson, Portland, OR 97239
Friday, June 12, 2009
Day 2 in ICU
I forgot to mention yesterday, it was exactly one month ago at 2am that I found Bob on the bathroom floor at home. I received the call from the OHSU doctor at 2am that Bob was being readmitted to the ICU. (I found him on a Thursday at 2am; he was readmitted to the ICU on Thursday at 2am) Crazy.
stroke info:
OHSU: Robert Pirie, OHSU, 3181 SW Sam Jackson, Portland, OR 97239 TramaICU
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Back to the ICU
stroke information:
OHSU address: Robert Pirie, Floor 7A trauma, SW Sam Jackson, Portland, OR 97239
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Day 28?
Today was a very quite day. The physical therapist came in to show me how he sits on the edge of the bed. He did. He held himself in place. He had a grin on his face; however, when she put him back down on the bed, his look at her could have shot daggers. She tuckered him out. He has been sleeping the entire day. So...all is quiet on the western front.
Woo-Hoo, the doctors are downsizing his trach as I type so speech therapy can work with him more.
Please continue to pray. I'm confident, without all of your prayers, Bob wouldn't be at this point.
stroke info:
OHSU: 3181 SW Sam Jackson, Portland, Oregon, 97239 Floor 10K room 8
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
A quick check-in
Prayer for Bob by Paster Daryl:
Eternal God, you know us through and through, you know our needs even when we can’t speak them. Touch Bob with your grace and presence. As you give him your abiding care, assure him of our love and presence. Assure him that our communion together remains secure, and that your love for him is unfailing. In Christ, who came to us, we pray. Amen. adapted from UM Book of Worship
stroke info:
OHSU: 3181 SW Sam Jackson, Portland, OR 97239 Floor 10K Rm #8
Monday, June 8, 2009
A little history
I talked with Bob's nurse today, who said, Bob was sitting on the edge of the bed today during his physical therapy session. The PT said Bob was doing 80% of the work himself. He was also moving on command. (Dance everyone!)
For the inquiring minds: Let me give you a little bit of how Bob and I came to be. Believe it or not, we are an internet success story. We met in an Al-anon (group for family and friends of alcoholics) chat room, We were working on improving ourselves mentally, spiritually, and physically. We knew each other by screen name only; his was t-bear; mine was mumski and sometimes sweetie-when I wanted to hide. We supported each other as alanon family members for months. Marriage separations happened on both parts and blah blah blah... We decided to meet each other in person. I flew to MN. Then, Bob came to Oregon. Then, Zachary and I drove to MN. Then, Bob came to Oregon. Finally, Bob moved to Oregon (Don't you think for one second that I should have moved to MN! I moved to OR from PA to get out of snow. I was not going to go back to subzero weather! I may have bumped my head once or twice, but I didn't bump it that hard...;o) )
While in the chat room, I referred to him as t (It took too long to type t-bear). After we met, I continued to call him t. He calls me sweetie. I don't think I've ever heard him say my name. He teases me about how I say Bob. I have a northern PA accent that sounds a little like a New Yorker. When I say Bob, it sounds like Baub. So...I call him t.
So there, you have the scoop on how t and I met.
Prayer for Bob by Paster Daryl:
Eternal God, you know us through and through, you know our needs even when we can’t speak them. Touch Bob with your grace and presence. As you give him your abiding care, assure him of our love and presence. Assure him that our communion together remains secure, and that your love for him is unfailing. In Christ, who came to us, we pray. Amen. adapted from UM Book of Worship
stroke info:
OHSU: 3181 SW Sam Jackson, Portland, OR 97239 Floor 10K Rm #8
Sunday, June 7, 2009
During the past couple of days, I've been holding the phone to his ear so Bob's mom and dad could talk to him. He listens very attentively. He's moving more and staying awake most of the day.
I'm back in Roseburg for 24 hours, then I'm off to Portland with my oldest son, Daniel, tomorrow. Daniel moved here from Pennsylvania on Tuesday, 6/2/09. He will be wonderful help, if I can keep him pinned down. That may be hard since he is 27 and already set in his ways.
Prayer for Bob by Paster Daryl:
Eternal God, you know us through and through, you know our needs even when we can’t speak them. Touch Bob with your grace and presence. As you give him your abiding care, assure him of our love and presence. Assure him that our communion together remains secure, and that your love for him is unfailing. In Christ, who came to us, we pray. Amen. adapted from UM Book of Worship
stroke info: 3181 SW Sam Jackson, Portland, OR 97239 Floor 10K Rm #8
Saturday, June 6, 2009
What day is it?
After golf was done, he was moving to get my attention, gave the thumbs up, gave me kisses, and nodded to the nurse when asked if he was feeling ok.
Prayer for Bob by Paster Daryl:
Eternal God, you know us through and through, you know our needs even when we can’t speak them. Touch Bob with your grace and presence. As you give him your abiding care, assure him of our love and presence. Assure him that our communion together remains secure, and that your love for him is unfailing. In Christ, who came to us, we pray. Amen. adapted from UM Book of Worship
stroke info:
OHSU: 3181 SW Sam Jackson, Portland, OR 97239 Floor 10K Rm #8Friday, June 5, 2009
The time is right to make new friends.
Even though I wish the tragic event that happened to t (Bob) never happened, I have made so many friends across the country, most of whom I never met. Bob has told me a lot of stories. I feel like I have already met you, but actually have not. Some day, I'm sure I will meet each one of you personally on much nicer circumstances.
Today, t is on the up-swing. His shunt surgery went well. The swelling on his head has significantly decreased. He gave me a kiss again and when I wasn't holding his hand, he searched for it to hold. The nurse was happy to see this behavior, because he wasn't responding too much to her. She said she could tell he was happy to see me.
Prayer for Bob by P

Eternal God, you know us through and through, you know our needs even when we can’t speak them. Touch Bob with your grace and presence. As you give him your abiding care, assure him of our love and presence. Assure him that our communion together remains secure, and that your love for him is unfailing. In Christ, who came to us, we pray. Amen.
adapted from UM Book of Worship
stroke info:
OHSU: 3181 SW Sam Jackson, Portland, OR 97239 Floor 10K rm#8
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Shunt day
My son has a band concert this evening. He plays the trumpet, bass guitar, and tuba. As musically talented that he is, you'd think he was one of Bob's own kids! Zachary has a good tutor. Anyway, my reason for telling you this is because, I am back in Roseburg for the night, then I'll be traveling to Portland tomorrow.
Prayer for Bob by Paster Daryl:
Eternal God, you know us through and through, you know our needs even when we can’t speak them. Touch Bob with your grace and presence. As you give him your abiding care, assure him of our love and presence. Assure him that our communion together remains secure, and that your love for him is unfailing. In Christ, who came to us, we pray. Amen. adapted from UM Book of Worship
stroke info:
OHSU: 3181 SW Sam Jackson, Portland, OR 97239 Floor 10K rm#8
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Bob was wide awake this morning. I leaned over the bed to give him a kiss, and he puckered to kiss me back. Then, he raised his arm for me to hold his hand. I was so excited. He kept his eyes glued on me.
I spent the day with him. The time goes too fast.
Tomorrow, he will have a shunt put in his head that will be under his skin. It will drain the extra fluid from his head into a space beside his stomach. He will have this for the rest of his life. The doctor says he is making good progress, and he feels that the shunt will make the progression even faster, even though Bob's recovery will be a long long time.
Paster Daryl from Bob's church sent me a prayer to be said for Bob.
In Christ, who came to us, we pray. Amen.
adapted from UM Book of Worship
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Bob's so cute
I spent the entire day with my t. As the day went on, he became more aware. By the evening, he figured out that the "thumbs up" sign was the sign to say yes or ok. So, he flipped up his thumb as a response without the nurse having to ask him to do it.
While the nurse was brushing his teeth, she asked him to stick his tongue out, which he did. She asked him to smile for me, he tried hard and got a very small movement from the corners of his mouth. I told him to not get frustrated, it will come.
At one point, I told him that he had a lot of friends throughout the country wishing him well and that he has many many friends that love him. He raised his eyebrows as if to say, "Really?" or "No shit! I know". He was so cute. Finally, I was able to give him lots of hugs. I'll give him hugs from all of you tomorrow. Today's hugs were all from me. Sorry.
He nodded his head "yes", shrugged his shoulders, moved his arms and legs, squeezed my hand, gave me his hands to put lotion on, oh...and...and... you'll love this...after getting his teeth brushed, he mouthed the words "thank you" to the nurse.
He's going in the right direction. I can't wait until tomorrow. Today is another day I will thank God for his wonderful works.
email me:
stroke info:
OHSU: 3181 SW Sam Jackson, Portland, OR 97239 Floor 10K Rm#8
Monday, June 1, 2009
Bid farewell to the ICU
A friend of ours, Jim, stopped by for a visit and said Bob seems happier and is more aware than last week's visit. (remember, I'm in Roseburg for the weekend) He also ask Bob if he could take his Harley for a ride. Bob was to blink twice if it was ok. Bob's slow blinks were taken as a yes. I think if I hand the keys over though, my head will be "on the chopping block" when t comes home.
Bob is giving the "thumbs up" sign, squeezing hands, scratching his belly, and wiggling his toes. I'm so excited to be going to see him tomorrow. I miss my t.
stroke awareness:
OHSU: 3181 SW Sam JacksonPark Rd., Portland OR 97239 Floor 10K-Rm 8