Many waterfalls in the USA are not accessible by wheelchair. Bob, my husband, and I are traveling the USA to search for waterfalls accessible by wheels (wheelchairs, bikes, strollers).
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Bob and Jan
Christmas Eve
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Monday, August 31, 2009
Germs are inevitable
He's alone, because he's in quarantine. He has contracted MRSA in his pressure sore. MRSA is a bacteria passed by touch and can live on inanimate objects; so, I'm unable to bring things to the room until he is treated with antibiotics. I did get his harley bell hung a few days ago. They don't know about it; I don't think so anyhow. (I should wipe it down with alcohol, I suppose.) He's alone in a room with a just a tv. Visitors can visit provided they wash their hands upon entering and leaving the room. Please send encouragment.
Why didn't I visit Bob tonight? The contractor was at our house discussing the layout for the addition for two hours. We revamped this and that which will double the original cost. Oh dear! In the end, it will be what we need to accommodate both of our physical challenges.
I found out some good news about me today. 1. If you Google my name, the entire first page is about me. 2. When you Google some of the topics that I wrote about on e-How, my article is listed in the top three selections. Woo-hoo! I did something right. It takes a lot of correct placement of "verbage" to get listed on the first page of Google. One article is "filling out a bank deposit slip".
"Father in heaven, I choose to trust that You are working things out for my good. I choose to stand in faith, believing that my season of breakthrough is coming. Give me Your strength and peace as I patiently wait on You. In Jesus' Name. Amen."
Have you checked out yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, email me.
Jill Bolte Taylor It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.
stroke info:
aneurysm info:
VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 108A (new room)
Sunday, August 30, 2009
I think he was jerking my chain!
Cognitive therapy consisted of naming opposites and synonyms. Score: 100% with no hesitations! Naming pictures is still about 0-10%. It was hard to concentrate with the roommates tv loud.
He fed himself well at lunchtime. His eyes are focusing better today. He didn't over-reach his food as many times as usual. However, many of the pictures blended together in the learning activities. (Maybe that's why he can't name pictures. They blend together to make something completely new.)
"Father in heaven, I choose to trust that You are working things out for my good. I choose to stand in faith, believing that my season of breakthrough is coming. Give me Your strength and peace as I patiently wait on You. In Jesus' Name. Amen."
Have you checked out yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, email me.
Jill Bolte Taylor It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.
stroke info:
aneurysm info:
VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 122A
Saturday, August 29, 2009
A dad named Moose?
Bob is looking real good. He has lost 72 pounds! His roommate is another hospice patient. I keep telling t not to listen to conversations coming from the other side of the room. I reassure t that he's getting better each day, and he is going home. Bob has had three roommates; two who have passed away. Until now, I believe he has been oblivious to the previous two passing away.
Today's cognitive therapy included comprehension and short-term memory. Bob received 100%. He didn't pause with any of his responses. I also did some actvities where he had to pick a picture that matched a statement like, what provides shade...tree. Bob's response was slow, but he was 100% correct. I asked him to explain to me what shade was; this way I knew that he knew the definition. (I told you before...there is no such thing as "down-time" with this teacher (me).
"Father in heaven, I choose to trust that You are working things out for my good. I choose to stand in faith, believing that my season of breakthrough is coming. Give me Your strength and peace as I patiently wait on You. In Jesus' Name. Amen."
Have you checked out yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, email me.
Jill Bolte Taylor It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.
stroke info:
aneurysm info:
VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 122A
Friday, August 28, 2009
Golfers beware
He rested most of the day. The commute across town was exhausting. He's all settled in his new room. He looks more comfortable. He even got to eat dinner this evening. At Rose Haven, he had breakfast and lunch, no dinner. Already the first day at the VA, he had all three meals.
One thing that frustrates me though, are the charge nurses sounding as though there isn't much hope for full recovery. They must be basing their opinion on what they have experienced in the past. I know my t is going to be different. When I see such significant progress everyday, there's no doubt in my mind he'll recover fully. I feel a year or two from now, no one will ever know he had a major stroke.
Tomorrow, I will get his room all homey again with pictures, cards, and plants.
"Father in heaven, I choose to trust that You are working things out for my good. I choose to stand in faith, believing that my season of breakthrough is coming. Give me Your strength and peace as I patiently wait on You. In Jesus' Name. Amen."
Have you checked out yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, email me.
Jill Bolte Taylor It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.
stroke info:
aneurysm info:
VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 122A
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Chicago Mercantile Exchange...
I took all of the pictures off of the walls in preparation for the big move tomorrow. His room looks so bare now. He seems excited about his move. He knows he's getting closer to home. I'm not sure how long he'll be at the VA. It may be three or more months.
"Father in heaven, I choose to trust that You are working things out for my good. I choose to stand in faith, believing that my season of breakthrough is coming. Give me Your strength and peace as I patiently wait on You. In Jesus' Name. Amen."
Have you checked out yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, email me.
Jill Bolte Taylor It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.
stroke info:
aneurysm info:
Rose Haven Nursing Center740 NW Hill Pl., Roseburg, OR 97471 Room 128
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
More and more progress
My son and I visited the VA facility today. It is very nice and has a nice atmosphere. The colors are bright. There are plants and flowers in the windows, The have nice gathering areas to sit and chat. It's even within view of the golf course, so we can sit outside and evaluate golfer's swings. Bob's current occupational therapist is a golfer. Everyday, a conversation stems around golf. Blah blah blah...
Bob's pressure wound is getting smaller and the exposed tailbone is healing over. woo-hoo
T was singing for me today. Guess what...his voice is better than it was before; if that is possible.
The nurses told me this evening that Bob seems depressed this afternoon. They said he wouldn't talk to them like he usually did. They did a lot of things to cheer him up. He was happier when I got there. The nurses felt that he is becoming so cognitively aware, and that he's realizing he has a long road ahead of him. Keep the motivation coming. I share all the emails that are sent to me.
"Father in heaven, I choose to trust that You are working things out for my good. I choose to stand in faith, believing that my season of breakthrough is coming. Give me Your strength and peace as I patiently wait on You. In Jesus' Name. Amen."
Have you checked out yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, email me.
Jill Bolte Taylor It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.
stroke info:
aneurysm info:
Rose Haven Nursing Center740 NW Hill Pl., Roseburg, OR 97471 Room 128
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
One more move
He actually pulled himself up and stood using a pole. He was excited but nervous at the same time. His legs are very weak, and that scared him.
He ate all of his breakfast and lunch without any coaxing. That was a first. And, the speech therapist said he named most of the items she had pictures of like, toothbrush, key, flashlight, etc...
Have you checked out yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, email me.
A prayer of healing and strength:
Dear God,
Use every event in my life, even my present circumstance, to work within me to bring healing of body, mind, soul, spirit, and relationship. In every way manifest your blessing in and through my life. Amen.
Jill Bolte Taylor It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.
stroke info:
aneurysm info:
Rose Haven Nursing Center740 NW Hill Pl., Roseburg, OR 97471 Room 128
Monday, August 24, 2009
Monday - Monday
I wasn't with Bob today like I usually am. I had to take a trip to Portland with my daughter. Boy, I don't miss that trek at all. I was still on autopilot though while driving it.
Have you checked out yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, email me.
A prayer of healing and strength:
Dear God,
Use every event in my life, even my present circumstance, to work within me to bring healing of body, mind, soul, spirit, and relationship. In every way manifest your blessing in and through my life. Amen.
Jill Bolte Taylor It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.
stroke info:
aneurysm info:
Rose Haven Nursing Center740 NW Hill Pl., Roseburg, OR 97471 Room 128
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Simple things are hard...
We put a puzzle together tonight. I told him which piece to grab and where to place it, but he knew how to rotate the piece in order for it to fit correctly. I explained to him how to match up different colors.
I believe his eyes aren't working together all of the time. Sometimes he sees two of a single item, and sometimes he over reaches or under reaches for an item.
I see progress though every day.
Have you checked out yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, email me.
A prayer of healing and strength:
Dear God,
Use every event in my life, even my present circumstance, to work within me to bring healing of body, mind, soul, spirit, and relationship. In every way manifest your blessing in and through my life. Amen.
Jill Bolte Taylor It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.
stroke info:
aneurysm info:
Rose Haven Nursing Center740 NW Hill Pl., Roseburg, OR 97471 Room 128
Saturday, August 22, 2009
No DQ!? Bah....
I took him a DQ cheesequake blizzard tonight. He gobbled it right up saying it was delicious. He spilled some on himself scarfing it down so quickly.
After eating his blizzard, he was shaking really bad. He said he was freezing. He also said the ice cream was colder than cold. I'm never supposed to give him blizzards again. (like that'll ever happen!)
Bentley, our dog, came for a visit today. Bentley lays right down at Bob's feet and doesn't move. He misses him too.
Have you checked out yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, email me.
A prayer of healing and strength:
Dear God,
Use every event in my life, even my present circumstance, to work within me to bring healing of body, mind, soul, spirit, and relationship. In every way manifest your blessing in and through my life. Amen.
Jill Bolte Taylor It'll make you cry it's so amazing.
stroke info:
aneurysm info:
Rose Haven Nursing Center740 NW Hill Pl., Roseburg, OR 97471 Room 128
Friday, August 21, 2009
Help wanted
Here's where I need your help. If possible, please send encouragement his way in anyway you feel appropriate.
This evening, his spirits were better. He was impressed with the almost 10,000 hits on the blog. He thought a party when he gets home with all of his friends from all over the country would be lots of fun. (Keep your calendars open)
We attempted to play the game "Connect Four", but ended up sorting the red and black game pieces. I tried to make mistakes by putting a red piece on the black pile, and he would say, "That looks wrong."
He's so cute. He wanted me to put on quiet music so he could cuddle with me. That's why I love him!
Have you checked out yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it.
Bob walked again today. He gets excited about it Walking also gets him very winded.
A prayer of healing and strength:
Dear God,
Use every event in my life, even my present circumstance, to work within me to bring healing of body, mind, soul, spirit, and relationship. In every way manifest your blessing in and through my life. Amen.
Jill Bolte Taylor It'll make you cry it's so amazing.
stroke info:
aneurysm info:
Rose Haven Nursing Center740 NW Hill Pl., Roseburg, OR 97471 Room 128
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Day 99....
Honestly, I feel Bob has lots of physical therapy to do. Other than that, his mental capacity will recover (that's my unprofessional opinion, but a loved-ones opinion too). Jill Bolte Taylor says that most doctors say that whatever mental well-being a person has six months after a stroke is all the better they will be. She says that is "hog-wash"! It took her eight years to fully recover after her near-death stroke, and she's completly recovered.
Bob was pretending to talk into a microphone tonight. It was funny.
Have you checked out yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it.
Bob walked again today. He gets excited about it Walking also gets him very winded.
A prayer of healing and strength:
Dear God,
Use every event in my life, even my present circumstance, to work within me to bring healing of body, mind, soul, spirit, and relationship. In every way manifest your blessing in and through my life. Amen.
Jill Bolte Taylor It'll make you cry it's so amazing.
stroke info:
aneurysm info:
Rose Haven Nursing Center740 NW Hill Pl., Roseburg, OR 97471 Room 128
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Day 98
The simple things are difficult to comprehend; however, he seems to understand/remember more difficult concepts. For example, he still can't put a name to things like a spoon, fork, or bed. He can read the words easily. I'm trying to get him to match words with pictures. He does it with lots of coaxing. He said tonight that shaving was a new thing for him to learn.
Have you checked out yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it.
Bob walked again today. He gets excited about it Walking also gets him very winded.
A prayer of healing and strength:
Dear God,
Use every event in my life, even my present circumstance, to work within me to bring healing of body, mind, soul, spirit, and relationship. In every way manifest your blessing in and through my life. Amen.
Jill Bolte Taylor It'll make you cry it's so amazing.
stroke info:
aneurysm info:
Rose Haven Nursing Center740 NW Hill Pl., Roseburg, OR 97471 Room 128
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Full recovery? I'm positive
Have you checked out yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it.
Bob walked again today. He gets excited about it Walking also gets him very winded.
A prayer of healing and strength:
Dear God,
Use every event in my life, even my present circumstance, to work within me to bring healing of body, mind, soul, spirit, and relationship. In every way manifest your blessing in and through my life. Amen.
Jill Bolte Taylor It'll make you cry it's so amazing.
stroke info:
aneurysm info:
Rose Haven Nursing Center740 NW Hill Pl., Roseburg, OR 97471 Room 128
Monday, August 17, 2009
First day of relearning to walk.
His pressure sore is still there. I believe that is something that will be around for months to come. Pray for the sore to heal, so it doesn't get infected, which could cause further complications.
He has agreed to do whatever it takes to relearn things he's forgotten and to rewire his brain connections. I told him he is lucky to have me as a teacher. He said in his smartass attitude, "I'm the luckiest piece of shit!" What a smartsh*t!
We played W-A-R last night. WAR is a card game that helps with determining number value. Bob knew which card was higher than the other. He even knew the value of the face cards. There was no hesitation in his response when I asked who would win if we were playing poker.
A prayer of healing and strength:
Dear God,
Use every event in my life, even my present circumstance, to work within me to bring healing of body, mind, soul, spirit, and relationship. In every way manifest your blessing in and through my life. Amen.
Jill Bolte Taylor It'll make you cry it's so amazing.
stroke info:
aneurysm info:
Rose Haven Nursing Center740 NW Hill Pl., Roseburg, OR 97471 Room 128
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Once a trader always a trader
We are in for another long haul, when it comes to his pressure sore. Not to be gross, but he has a wound vac in the wound, which sucks all the bacteria out. Essentially, the wound vac heals the sore from the inside out.
Pray for the sore to heal, so it doesn't get infected which could cause further complications.
A prayer of healing and strength:
Dear God,
Use every event in my life, even my present circumstance, to work within me to bring healing of body, mind, soul, spirit, and relationship. In every way manifest your blessing in and through my life. Amen.
Jill Bolte Taylor It'll make you cry it's so amazing.
stroke info:
aneurysm info:
Rose Haven Nursing Center740 NW Hill Pl., Roseburg, OR 97471 Room 128
Friday, August 14, 2009
Pressure sore...ugh!
Physical therapy is working him hard. He is so tired afterwards. He's glad to be put down for a nap.
If you attempted to add me to your facebook, it would have helped if I gave you my full name. I'm listed as Janette Rook Iachini.
A prayer of healing and strength:
Dear God,
Use every event in my life, even my present circumstance, to work within me to bring healing of body, mind, soul, spirit, and relationship. In every way manifest your blessing in and through my life. Amen.
Jill Bolte Taylor It'll make you cry it's so amazing.
stroke info:
aneurysm info:
Rose Haven Nursing Center740 NW Hill Pl., Roseburg, OR 97471 Room 128
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Do you facebook?
If you are on facebook, add me as a friend. If you don't have a facebook page, it's time to get one.
A prayer of healing and strength:
Dear God,
Use every event in my life, even my present circumstance, to work within me to bring healing of body, mind, soul, spirit, and relationship. In every way manifest your blessing in and through my life. Amen.
Jill Bolte Taylor It'll make you cry it's so amazing.
stroke info:
aneurysm info:
Rose Haven Nursing Center740 NW Hill Pl., Roseburg, OR 97471 Room 128
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
End of week thirteen
I didn't have my camera this evening to take a picture of Bob lying in bed reading the newspaper with my glasses on his nose. It was a perfect picture that would have fooled anyone who didn't know he is a recovering stroke survivor.
He is talking some on the phone now; however, he's not too speedy on recall, and he goes off on tangents, but, he's holding the phone like he hasn't missed a beat.
A prayer of healing and strength:
Dear God,
Use every event in my life, even my present circumstance, to work within me to bring healing of body, mind, soul, spirit, and relationship. In every way manifest your blessing in and through my life. Amen.
Jill Bolte Taylor It'll make you cry it's so amazing.
stroke info:
aneurysm info:
Rose Haven Nursing Center740 NW Hill Pl., Roseburg, OR 97471 Room 128
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
DQ saves the day
I also took a DQ milk shake and onion rings for a snack tonight. I think I made a friend forever! Bob knows that I could live on ice cream three meals a day if he'd let me. He told me tonight that he knows I sneak to DQ when he's at choir practice. (Crap, I thought I was getting that by him.)
In physical therapy, he's moving his legs more. I'm hoping he'll be standing soon. Bob really wants to stand too.
In speech therapy, he's able to read words, however, he's unable to come up with the word for a picture. For example, he can read star, but show him a picture of a star and he cannot think of the word for it. It'll come. He told me once today to wait a minute, he was digging for the answer in his brain. As a teacher, I've learned to wait a long moment for a student to give an answer; so, it's no problem for me to wait for two or three minutes for an answer from Bob.
Alanon slogan: One day at a time.
A prayer of healing and strength:
Dear God,
Use every event in my life, even my present circumstance, to work within me to bring healing of body, mind, soul, spirit, and relationship. In every way manifest your blessing in and through my life. Amen.
Jill Bolte Taylor It'll make you cry it's so amazing.
stroke info:
aneurysm info:
Rose Haven Nursing Center740 NW Hill Pl., Roseburg, OR 97471 Room 128
Monday, August 10, 2009
Good conversation
If you haven't watched Jill Bolte Taylor yet, click on : It'll make you cry it's so amazing. Alanon slogan: One day at a time. (I also put the video in the right hand margin. Click on it.)
A prayer of healing and strength:
Dear God,
Use every event in my life, even my present circumstance, to work within me to bring healing of body, mind, soul, spirit, and relationship. In every way manifest your blessing in and through my life. Amen.
stroke info:
aneurysm info:
Rose Haven Nursing Center740 NW Hill Pl., Roseburg, OR 97471 Room 128
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Close to 10000 hits!
Bob did well today. It was a Sunday; which, of course, is a day of rest. He is staying awake much longer during the day. He is always in such deep thought taking everything in.
I talked with him about showing his cattle at the county fairs; he doesn't remember doing that. I told him he could "moo" like a baby cow when they were crying for their moms. I told him we were going to enter him into the mooing contest at the fair, because he is good at it. I asked him to "moo" like a cow. He thought about it for a moment, then said quickly, "moo". It wasn't a drawn out moo like, mmmmooooo. He said a quick, moo. hahaha...he's so funny. I thought it was funny.
Alanon slogan: One day at a time.
A prayer of healing and strength:
Dear God,
Use every event in my life, even my present circumstance, to work within me to bring healing of body, mind, soul, spirit, and relationship. In every way manifest your blessing in and through my life. Amen.
stroke info:
aneurysm info:
Rose Haven Nursing Center740 NW Hill Pl., Roseburg, OR 97471 Room 128
Saturday, August 8, 2009
"Treat me like I'm wounded, not stupid"
Alanon slogan: One day at a time.
A prayer of healing and strength:
Dear God,
Use every event in my life, even my present circumstance, to work within me to bring healing of body, mind, soul, spirit, and relationship. In every way manifest your blessing in and through my life. Amen.
stroke info:
aneurysm info:
Rose Haven Nursing Center740 NW Hill Pl., Roseburg, OR 97471 Room 128
Friday, August 7, 2009
Get well video from Josh Turner
Bob did better feeding himself today. He also remembered my name. YEAH!
Thanks to everyone's help, Bob is officially enrolled in the VA. He has a doctor's appointment on the 20th to become a full-fledge Roseburg VA enrollee.
Alanon slogan: One day at a time.
A prayer of healing and strength:
Dear God,
Use every event in my life, even my present circumstance, to work within me to bring healing of body, mind, soul, spirit, and relationship. In every way manifest your blessing in and through my life. Amen.
stroke info:
aneurysm info:
Rose Haven Nursing Center740 NW Hill Pl., Roseburg, OR 97471 Room 128
Thursday, August 6, 2009
"I can't see the TV!"'d all think this is funny. Tonight, I gave my t a hug as he was lying in his bed watching the History channel. As he hugged me back, he squeezed harder and harder. I thought to myself, "Awww...he so sweet", until I turned my head to looked up at him. He was trying to squish me down so he could look over my head to see the tv! We both had a good laugh.
Alanon slogan: One day at a time.
A prayer of healing and strength:
Dear God,
Use every event in my life, even my present circumstance, to work within me to bring healing of body, mind, soul, spirit, and relationship. In every way manifest your blessing in and through my life. Amen.
stroke info:
aneurysm info:
Rose Haven Nursing Center740 NW Hill Pl., Roseburg, OR 97471 Room 128
alanon slogan: One day at a time.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
painting the real picture
I guess I better give you some "real" insight to t's progress. His short-term memory is about ten seconds. But, he's so funny. He knows he was just told what something was, and he'll make a funny face then say, "I don't know. Do you know?" Positive note: he can read words, so I'll label everything.
He's feeding himself; however, he needs direction from the speech therapist or me every step of the way. Why? When his hand gets below his line of vision, he forgets what he is doing. "Out of sight, out of mind." We don't think of every step involved in eating. There is a lot of thinking involved. Bob's vision is off-center too; so, when he reaches for something, he is about six inches from the item. He tries over and over to grab the item he's reaching for but never is close enough. When eating, he over reaches the plate. When reaching to his cup, he reaches below the table. The positive thing is...he's eating.
Alanon slogan: One day at a time.
A prayer of healing and strength:
Dear God,
Use every event in my life, even my present circumstance, to work within me to bring healing of body, mind, soul, spirit, and relationship. In every way manifest your blessing in and through my life. Amen.
stroke info:
aneurysm info:
Rose Haven Nursing Center740 NW Hill Pl., Roseburg, OR 97471 Room 128
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
End of week twelve
Even though Bob is making progress, the progression seems to be at a slow pace. For the past few months, the progression was fast, now it's to where everyone said, "Recovery is going to take a long time." Well, we are at the loooonnnngggg time phase.
Bob was awake longer today. He probably wishes he was asleep when I'm around. If I can see the whites of his eyes, then I'm working that brain of his to get the neurons firing in the right direction. There's no such thing as "down-time". I'm from the east coast. The work ethic of the east coast is completely the opposite of the west coast. East coast work ethic is, "I want it done yesterday." West coast work ethic is, "I might get to it next week." Combine east coast work ethic with a teacher and what do you get? ME! I can be like that old elementary teacher you had with the tight bun in her hair, wrinkles, raspy voice, and glasses that sit on the end of her nose. (get the picture?) But, really, I'm nice.
Alanon slogan: One day at a time.
A prayer of healing and strength:
Dear God,
Use every event in my life, even my present circumstance, to work within me to bring healing of body, mind, soul, spirit, and relationship. In every way manifest your blessing in and through my life. Amen.
stroke info:
aneurysm info:
Rose Haven Nursing Center740 NW Hill Pl., Roseburg, OR 97471 Room 128
Monday, August 3, 2009
Monday monday...
I think Bob is getting his nights and days mixed up. He is sleeping most of the day and is awake most of the night. During speech therapy and physical therapy, Bob does one thing and then is off in "la la" land. I'm such a nag. I tap on his arm and snap, "Pay attention." He instantly focuses for a few moments, then drifts off again. I need to talk with the night-shift about switching that around.
Alanon slogan: One day at a time.
A prayer of healing and strength:
Dear God, Use every event in my life, even my present circumstance, to work within me to bring healing of body, mind, soul, spirit, and relationship. In every way manifest your blessing in and through my life. Amen. email:
stroke info:
aneurysm info:
Rose Haven Nursing Center740 NW Hill Pl., Roseburg, OR 97471 Room 128
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Sunday - a day of rest.
Alanon slogan: One day at a time.
A prayer of healing and strength:
Dear God, Use every event in my life, even my present circumstance, to work within me to bring healing of body, mind, soul, spirit, and relationship. In every way manifest your blessing in and through my life. Amen.
stroke info:
aneurysm info:
Rose Haven Nursing Center740 NW Hill Pl., Roseburg, OR 97471 Room 128
Saturday, August 1, 2009
twiddle my thumbs day
Church tomorrow...please remember Bob on your prayer lists for a full recovery. Thx.
I'm starting a new employee incentive activity tomorrow for all of the staff who take care of Bob. It's a program that I strongly believe in, and I have a published article about it in the OHS magazine in March 2003. Everytime a caregiver deserves a thank you or recognition for a job well done, I will give them a ticket to put thier name on, which will be collected in a box. When Bob leaves RoseHaven, a name will be drawn. The winner will recieve $25 from me. Like it? Go to if you want to introduce it at your workplace. Bill Sims' program is a lot more involved, but has the same idea.
Alanon slogan: One day at a time.
A prayer of healing and strength:
Dear God, Use every event in my life, even my present circumstance, to work within me to bring healing of body, mind, soul, spirit, and relationship. In every way manifest your blessing in and through my life. Amen.
stroke info:
aneurysm info:
Rose Haven Nursing Center740 NW Hill Pl., Roseburg, OR 97471 Room 128