Welcome note

When my husband and I set out to find and take pictures of wheelchair accessible waterfalls in every U.S. state, we were excited about the challenge. We gave ourselves no time limit to accomplish our feat; however, we had one mutually agreed upon rule that dictated how long we would stay in any given area. That rule was to never shiver again. Needless to say, adhering to this rule presented a new challenge. The new challenge was to find a waterfall that was actually flowing. Visiting mid-west and eastern states during months that prevented us from shivering are the same months that are hot enough to dry up streams; hence, little or no water flow for waterfalls. The natural scenery and picturesque landscapes warrant a second visit in the early spring right after the snow melts.

Bob and Jan

Bob and Jan
Christmas Eve

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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Bob always did like peace and quiet...

Bob came home for the day again. The only thing he seems to get frustrated about are the noisy dogs when they are playing, which, seems to be all of the time. Coupe, the puppy pet therapy dog, won't leave Bentley, the older dog alone. He is forever running beside Bentley biting at his ankles or ears. He latches onto Bentley's neck skin and fur and hangs onto it. Bentley growls, but that doesn't phase Coupe in the least.

Two wheelchairs in a house is a bit crowded. Moving around each other is like doing those puzzles where you have to move a piece down, and another over, and another up, and so on until you get it right. For the most part it's OK.

A frustrating thing for me while Bob is home is the "potty control". Bob hasn't gotten that feeling back fully yet, so accidents happen all of the time, even with layers upon layers of protection. :-/


Heavenly Father, I choose to trust You. I cast my cares on You. I give You my plans, dreams, and desires for the future. Thank You for working behind the scenes on my behalf. Give me Your peace as I wait patiently to see Your plan unfold. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Bob Pirie Fund: Many of Bob's friends have expressed that they wanted to help by donating to a fund that will help with Bob's medical expenses. I have set up a Bob Pirie Fund at Umpqua Bank here in Roseburg. If you are interested in making a contribution, you can mail a check to: Umpqua Bank

Bob Pirie Fund

445 SE Main Street

Roseburg, OR 97470

c/o Caryn Martin, Universal Associate

Thank you in advance for your support and contribution.

Have you checked out travel-mobility.com yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, go to the website, click on Become a Rep.

Jill Bolte Taylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.

email or jiachini@msn.com

stroke info

aneurysm info

VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 103

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bumper wheelchairs...

1 Thessalonians 5:16,17 and 18 Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

I read this passage today on another blog that I follow. It came after a tiring day of trying to be caregiver to my T at home. I get frustrated because I'm not as strong as I'd like to be. Bob gets frustrated. I get frustrated. Then both of us get weak and snippy. I have to remember to give thanks for the circumstance. Statistically, I'm lucky to have the opportunity to be in this situation.

On a lighter note, we played "Bumper wheelchair". We had always joked that when we get old and are in wheelchairs, and if we should ever argue, we'd attack each other by running into each other with our wheelchairs. Well, we weren't arguing, we were just playing. And, you'd think, the more experienced wheelchairee would win. I didn't! Bob was able to shove me far enough, that if the front door was open, I would have been out in the front lawn. hahaha...

Heavenly Father, I choose to trust You. I cast my cares on You. I give You my plans, dreams, and desires for the future. Thank You for working behind the scenes on my behalf. Give me Your peace as I wait patiently to see Your plan unfold. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Bob Pirie Fund: Many of Bob's friends have expressed that they wanted to help by donating to a fund that will help with Bob's medical expenses. I have set up a Bob Pirie Fund at Umpqua Bank here in Roseburg. If you are interested in making a contribution, you can mail a check to: Umpqua Bank
Bob Pirie Fund
445 SE Main Street
Roseburg, OR 97470
c/o Caryn Martin, Universal Associate
Thank you in advance for your support and contribution.

Have you checked out travel-mobility.com yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, go to the website, click on Become a Rep.

Jill Bolte Taylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.
email or jiachini@msn.com
stroke info
aneurysm info
VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 103

Friday, January 29, 2010

House arrest again....

Bob decided to take a stroll outside of the Transitional Care Unit again. He snuck out and as going down the breezeway to another building in his wheelchair on a nice sunny day. Do you blame him? Well, that earned him another "house arrest" bracelet that locks all the doors to the outside when he gets near to the door. (He has no clue what the alarm is for.)

Bob looked handsome today, as always.

I was still baffled about being told that Bob couldn't count change, so, I gave him all of the change in my coat pocket and told him to count it. Before I had myself situated, he said, "2.15 without counting the pennies." What the f***? He was right. No wonder I don't have a job amongst people anymore. I see positively, while others see only negatively. I can't handle it! Negative people drive me absolutely bonkers!


Heavenly Father, I choose to trust You. I cast my cares on You. I give You my plans, dreams, and desires for the future. Thank You for working behind the scenes on my behalf. Give me Your peace as I wait patiently to see Your plan unfold. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Bob Pirie Fund: Many of Bob's friends have expressed that they wanted to help by donating to a fund that will help with Bob's medical expenses. I have set up a Bob Pirie Fund at Umpqua Bank here in Roseburg. If you are interested in making a contribution, you can mail a check to: Umpqua Bank

Bob Pirie Fund

445 SE Main Street

Roseburg, OR 97470

c/o Caryn Martin, Universal Associate

Thank you in advance for your support and contribution.

Have you checked out travel-mobility.com yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, go to the website, click on Become a Rep.

Jill Bolte Taylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.

email or jiachini@msn.com

stroke info

aneurysm info

VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 103

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Everything is good...

Bob knew everything today. He remembered he's going to Vancouver. However, he did say he was going to Canada. I never specified Vancouver, WA, so that's an honest mistake. He even told me today, something that Bob would always have said. When I asked him what was I to do while he's gone for three weeks, he said, "Relax". I said, "What if I can't?" He said, "You'll just have to." That's a Bob thing. I can never get him to whine with me. :-/

He looked really good. He only rode the bike in physical therapy. I even had the camera to video him walking.

I was told yesterday that Bob couldn't count change. I've learned not to react to their (the medical staff) assumptions. A two-minute evaluation to them is a "given". Anyway, I asked Bob today if he bought something for $2.6o at the store and he gave the cashier 5 bucks, how much change would he get? Without a pause, he said, "$2.40". (Let's chalk their test results up to "he was tired".)

Hahaha...I have another one for you farmers. It's been awhile since I asked Bob to list the kinds of animals on a farm. He listed quite a few. He missed a horse, so I tried to give him clues for him to guess a horse. Well, you all know I'm not a country bumpkin. I gave the clue, "How do you round up all of the cattle?" You know what he said? He said, "I'd feed them." hahaha...

I thought the follow message from Joel Osteen was appropriate for the recovery process that we are all waiting for:

TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Every person has things they're believing for, situations they want to see changed, and dreams God has placed in their hearts. But sometimes, we try to figure out how it's all going to happen. If we're not careful, we'll put God in a box and try to tell Him how to do it, when to do it, and where to do it.
Today's scripture tells us that God's ways are not our ways. They are higher and better than our ways. If you don't get your way, if things don't happen on your timetable, instead of getting discouraged, why don't you believe that God has something better in store? Just because it doesn't happen your way doesn't mean it's not going to happen. Remember, God has a plan. He's got it all figured out. Don't limit Him by trying to get it done your way. Instead, simply say, "God, I'm trusting You. I know You have my best interest at heart. And even if I don't get my way, I'm going to stay open and believe that You're still directing my steps into the abundant life You have for me."

Heavenly Father, I choose to trust You. I cast my cares on You. I give You my plans, dreams, and desires for the future. Thank You for working behind the scenes on my behalf. Give me Your peace as I wait patiently to see Your plan unfold. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Bob Pirie Fund: Many of Bob's friends have expressed that they wanted to help by donating to a fund that will help with Bob's medical expenses. I have set up a Bob Pirie Fund at Umpqua Bank here in Roseburg. If you are interested in making a contribution, you can mail a check to: Umpqua Bank
Bob Pirie Fund
445 SE Main Street
Roseburg, OR 97470
c/o Caryn Martin, Universal Associate

Thank you in advance for your support and contribution.

Have you checked out travel-mobility.com yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, go to the website, click on Become a Rep.

Jill Bolte Taylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.
email or jiachini@msn.com
stroke info
aneurysm info
VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 103

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bob's accepted...

Bob has been accepted into the Vancouver, WA VA rehab! It is an intense physical, occupational, and cognitive therapy rehab. He will be there for three weeks. Then, he either stays for an extended three weeks or he returns to the Roseburg VA to have a care plan developed for discharge. My son Zachary said to me, "Mom, you will never be able to be away from T for seven days." (Seven days because I'll drive the three hours to visit on the weekends.)

Bob started to cry today when I told him. He said he was crying because he was excited and happy that I would arrange that for him. Of course, he got me crying too. We talked about it several times. Each time, Bob started crying big crocodile tears.

Guess what Bob did today, he walked using only one hand to hold onto the parallel bars. AND I DIDN'T HAVE THE CAMERA! Tomorrow...

And to top off my day...Zachary was tested today for mono. Ugh, illnesses, do they ever end? Bob and I are going on a vacation to a remote island when this is all said and done! Where? We'll never tell.

My computer is being goofy tonight. If you'd like more information on aneurysms, strokes, Bob Pirie Fund, or the VA address with his room number, click on previous posts.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

No visit today...

Am I bad? I didn't visit my T today. I moved our bedroom into the new addition. Then, I had a meeting this evening. I miss my T. I have his phone, so I couldn't even call him. Things needed done though. I'm sure he did fine without me. I did call and told the staff to tell Bob I wasn't coming today. It will be interesting to hear where Bob told the "boys" I was at. The last time, I drove to Nebraska. :-)

Bob Pirie Fund: Many of Bob's friends have expressed that they wanted to help by donating to a fund that will help with Bob's medical expenses. I have set up a Bob Pirie Fund at Umpqua Bank here in Roseburg. If you are interested in making a contribution, you can mail a check to: Umpqua Bank
Bob Pirie Fund
445 SE Main Street
Roseburg, OR 97470
c/o Caryn Martin, Universal Associate
Thank you in advance for your support and contribution.

"Father in heaven, thank You for being my Deliverer. I trust that You have a good plan for me and that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf. Thank You for Your strength and peace in every area of my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

Have you checked out travel-mobility.com yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, go to the website, click on Become a Rep.

Jill Bolte Taylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.
email or jiachini@msn.com
stroke info
aneurysm info
VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 103

Monday, January 25, 2010

Memory frustration...

One thing that is hard for me not to get frustrated about is Bob's short-term memory and how adamant he gets when he's positive something has/has not happened. Today, he had a psych evaluation to determine if he's able to take care of bills, take medication on time by himself, and whatnot when he goes home. Dah...what is my purpose? Anyway, five minutes after his appointment, he did not remember meeting with anyone. The meeting lasted a few hours. He almost got in an argument with me saying, he did not meet with anyone. Ugh...frustration...I know, one day at a time. When he is home on the weekends, it is easier for me to handle. It seems as though his memory is longer with familiar things, though.

Our visit today consisted of naps. He was exhausted after his interview. I was tired too.

Bob Pirie Fund: Many of Bob's friends have expressed that they wanted to help by donating to a fund that will help with Bob's medical expenses. I have set up a Bob Pirie Fund at Umpqua Bank here in Roseburg. If you are interested in making a contribution, you can mail a check to: Umpqua Bank

Bob Pirie Fund

445 SE Main Street

Roseburg, OR 97470

c/o Caryn Martin, Universal Associate

Thank you in advance for your support and contribution.


"Father in heaven, thank You for being my Deliverer. I trust that You have a good plan for me and that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf. Thank You for Your strength and peace in every area of my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

Have you checked out travel-mobility.com yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, go to the website, click on Become a Rep.

Jill Bolte Taylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.

email or jiachini@msn.com

stroke info

aneurysm info

VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 103

Sunday, January 24, 2010

South East Asia?...

Bob was home for the day. Our house is so chaotic. You'd think with a 28 year-old, a 24 year-old, and a 14 year-old things would be a bit calmer. Maybe I'm getting old. I like complete silence. I believe T does too.

Well, here's the story of the day... A few years ago, Bob was in South East Asia buying ground for the church. He paid $20000 for the ground. Specifically, he was in China. Go figure!

Bob did well transferring from his wheelchair to the couch or toilet or car. He's getting strong. He still needs to work on the potty training though. He'll kill me for saying that, but I figure you need to know the good and the bad. I think that'll come with a regular routine at home.

Bob took a nice long nap on the couch. That tells me he was quite comfortable.

Bob Pirie Fund: Many of Bob's friends have expressed that they wanted to help by donating to a fund that will help with Bob's medical expenses. I have set up a Bob Pirie Fund at Umpqua Bank here in Roseburg. If you are interested in making a contribution, you can mail a check to: Umpqua Bank
Bob Pirie Fund
445 SE Main Street
Roseburg, OR 97470
c/o Caryn Martin, Universal Associate

Thank you in advance for your support and contribution.

"Father in heaven, thank You for being my Deliverer. I trust that You have a good plan for me and that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf. Thank You for Your strength and peace in every area of my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

Have you checked out travel-mobility.com yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, go to the website, click on Become a Rep.

Jill Bolte Taylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.
email or jiachini@msn.com
stroke info
aneurysm info
VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 103

Saturday, January 23, 2010

It's done!...

Woo hoo! The addition is done. We have been moving stuff all day. T was home for a few hours today. He's going to supervise the moving of his office. That should prove to be interesting. He likes what he sees so far.

Bob is maneuvering so well. He may be slow, but he can transfer from his wheelchair to standing then to another chair without scaring the ba-gee-bers out of me like a few weeks ago.

He is so funny. When he's talking to someone on the phone, he looks directly at me when the topic comes to a location. He still thinks he's in Iowa. He also looks at me for verification of what happened in the recent past. Bob told me today that he knows his memory sucks. At least he can smile about it. That's the important thing.

Bob Pirie Fund: Many of Bob's friends have expressed that they wanted to help by donating to a fund that will help with Bob's medical expenses. I have set up a Bob Pirie Fund at Umpqua Bank here in Roseburg. If you are interested in making a contribution, you can mail a check to: Umpqua Bank
Bob Pirie Fund
445 SE Main Street
Roseburg, OR 97470
c/o Caryn Martin, Universal Associate
Thank you in advance for your support and contribution.

"Father in heaven, thank You for being my Deliverer. I trust that You have a good plan for me and that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf. Thank You for Your strength and peace in every area of my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

Have you checked out travel-mobility.com yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, go to the website, click on Become a Rep.

Jill Bolte Taylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.
email or jiachini@msn.com
stroke info
aneurysm info
VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 103

Friday, January 22, 2010

Should I or shouldn't I?...

What do you think? Should I stop waiting for the bureaucracy of the VA to make the decision for Bob to transfer to the Vancouver Rehab and just bring him home? I've had enough of the "wait and see" game. Bob's pressure wound is almost healed. I can arrange for a home-nursing person to come into our home to change the dressing every day.

I'm afraid of the nurse practitioner, though. :-/ I found out today that she was a Major in the Army. Yikes! She scares me. She's the decision maker. Ha...She's not the decision maker if I don't return him this weekend. I guess that may be a bit selfish. I need to talk with Bob's nice nurse, Shannon. She'll advise me right. What a dilemma...

Bob Pirie Fund: Many of Bob's friends have expressed that they wanted to help by donating to a fund that will help with Bob's medical expenses. I have set up a Bob Pirie Fund at Umpqua Bank here in Roseburg. If you are interested in making a contribution, you can mail a check to: Umpqua Bank
Bob Pirie Fund
445 SE Main Street
Roseburg, OR 97470
c/o Caryn Martin, Universal Associate
Thank you in advance for your support and contribution.

"Father in heaven, thank You for being my Deliverer. I trust that You have a good plan for me and that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf. Thank You for Your strength and peace in every area of my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

Have you checked out travel-mobility.com yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, go to the website, click on Become a Rep.

Jill Bolte Taylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.
email or jiachini@msn.com
stroke info
aneurysm info
VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 103

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Am I bad?

Oh my goodness, I feel so bad. I was moseying in Home Depot getting fixtures for the bathroom, and ended up looking at a lot more. My lolly-gagging prevented me from visiting my T this evening. Ugh... Am I bad?

Bob is doing better and better. He's ready to "break" out of that joint! At least he gets to come home on "day" passes Saturday and Sunday. The addition is done. Now he has a bathroom big enough that he can maneuver around, and the toilet is tall enough that he won't look like he's sitting on a tricycle. His knees are up by his ears. (That's what he looks like in our downstairs bathroom. Picture this, a six-foot-tall male sitting on a toilet that sits about 18" off of the floor with walls that are 3 ft. wide.) hahaha... Then he has to stand up! Not an easy task.

Bob Pirie Fund: Many of Bob's friends have expressed that they wanted to help by donating to a fund that will help with Bob's medical expenses. I have set up a Bob Pirie Fund at Umpqua Bank here in Roseburg. If you are interested in making a contribution, you can mail a check to: Umpqua Bank

Bob Pirie Fund

445 SE Main Street

Roseburg, OR 97470

c/o Caryn Martin, Universal Associate

Thank you in advance for your support and contribution.


"Father in heaven, thank You for being my Deliverer. I trust that You have a good plan for me and that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf. Thank You for Your strength and peace in every area of my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

Have you checked out travel-mobility.com yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, go to the website, click on Become a Rep.

Jill Bolte Taylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.

email or jiachini@msn.com

stroke info

aneurysm info

VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 103

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Woo-hoo! Bob's able to come home again on Saturday and Sunday during the day. Our addition to our house is nearly complete. The contractor said we can start moving things in this weekend. So that means, when my T comes home this weekend, he'll have a bathroom fit for the king to use. Let's hear another Woo-hoo!

Rehab in Vancouver is still pending. The nurse practioner at the Roseburg VA sent another request yesterday asking them to quickly give an answer because Bob is getting overly anxious to get out of the medical unit and is becoming a bit of a risk for injury; it's getting difficult to keep him in one spot. Remember the house arrest incident?

Bob stood without the walker in physical therapy today. He liked the feeling, but it was a bit scary.

Cognitive therapy: We worked on naming pictures again. The "got" pile is finally getting bigger than the "I don't know" pile.

Bob Pirie Fund: Many of Bob's friends have expressed that they wanted to help by donating to a fund that will help with Bob's medical expenses. I have set up a Bob Pirie Fund at Umpqua Bank here in Roseburg. If you are interested in making a contribution, you can mail a check to: Umpqua Bank
Bob Pirie Fund
445 SE Main Street
Roseburg, OR 97470
c/o Caryn Martin, Universal Associate
Thank you in advance for your support and contribution.

"Father in heaven, thank You for being my Deliverer. I trust that You have a good plan for me and that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf. Thank You for Your strength and peace in every area of my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

Have you checked out travel-mobility.com yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, go to the website, click on Become a Rep.

Jill Bolte Taylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.
email or jiachini@msn.com
stroke info
aneurysm info
VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 103

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Have I said...

Have I said, "He has beat all odds?"...my T

Have I said, "He's a miracle?"...my T

Have I said, "He inspires me?"...my T

Have I said, "He's my hero?"...my T

Have I said, "He's God's gift to me?"...my T

Have I said, "He's a gift to anyone he meets?"...my T

I have said, "He is Bob Pirie!"...He's my T.


Monday, January 18, 2010

Ugh, taxes...

Am I allowed to tucker out? At night, I feel like I'm fizzling. I'll keep plugging along though for my T. He means the world to me. He's also one of God's miracle workings. Bob is alive, and that is because God has a purpose for him. He wasn't done with Bob yet.

I feel yucky too because it is tax time, and this year I get to tackle Bob's personal taxes as well as his corporation. I hate financial stuff. When anyone talks finances to me, I want to lay down on the floor, kick and scream like a two-year-old throwing a tantrum in the middle of a store because I didn't get the toy I wanted.

Cognitive therapy: We worked on naming pictures today. He's getting better. I have pictures on flashcards that have the beginning letter printed on the bottom. I tell T that the letter is a cheater. When I cover it up, he yells at me telling me he can't see the letter or he says, "I don't know." He's a real "bugger" sometimes.

Bob Pirie Fund: Many of Bob's friends have expressed that they wanted to help by donating to a fund that will help with Bob's medical expenses. I have set up a Bob Pirie Fund at Umpqua Bank here in Roseburg. If you are interested in making a contribution, you can mail a check to: Umpqua Bank
Bob Pirie Fund
445 SE Main Street
Roseburg, OR 97470
c/o Caryn Martin, Universal Associate

Thank you in advance for your support and contribution.

"Father in heaven, thank You for being my Deliverer. I trust that You have a good plan for me and that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf. Thank You for Your strength and peace in every area of my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

Have you checked out travel-mobility.com yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, go to the website, click on Become a Rep.

Jill Bolte Taylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.
email or jiachini@msn.com
stroke info
aneurysm info
VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 103

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Home again...

My T was home again today for about five hours. The more he is home, the more familiar the surroundings are becoming to him. However, when we pulled up in front of our house, Bob did not recognize the house. Yesterday, he did. Yesterday, as we drove toward the house, he gave me directions to the house. Everyday is different. But, the more we practice, the more real things will become.

I am hoping this week, we have more definite plans on where Bob will be in the near near future. Will he be home, or will he be in the Vancouver, WA VA rehab? I definitely have had enough of hospital visits. How about you? I want to get back to some sort of normalcy. :-/

Zachary has the routine down as to how to get T in and out of the car. He's a great help! The best thing is, he doesn't complain one bit.

Bob Pirie Fund: Many of Bob's friends have expressed that they wanted to help by donating to a fund that will help with Bob's medical expenses. I have set up a Bob Pirie Fund at Umpqua Bank here in Roseburg. If you are interested in making a contribution, you can mail a check to: Umpqua Bank
Bob Pirie Fund
445 SE Main Street
Roseburg, OR 97470
c/o Caryn Martin, Universal Associate
Thank you in advance for your support and contribution.

"Father in heaven, thank You for being my Deliverer. I trust that You have a good plan for me and that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf. Thank You for Your strength and peace in every area of my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

Have you checked out travel-mobility.com yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, go to the website, click on Become a Rep.

Jill Bolte Taylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.
email or jiachini@msn.com
stroke info
aneurysm info
VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 103

Saturday, January 16, 2010

A day at home...

Bob spent the day at home today. He enjoyed a day of movies, football, napping, and lasagna. He liked the design of the new addition; which, by the way, was supposed to be done on the 14th. One hold up is the blizzard in the Midwest. The bathroom cabinets are coming from Illinois and were snowbound which is delaying the delivery. We did not have any mobility issues. T is doing well.

We worked on cognitive games today using mymsmyway website. Bob did better than me. I read an article on short memory in survivors of subhemmoragic aneurysms. The article said that short-term memory will return; it's just unknown how long it will take for the brain to heal. I'm patient.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Nap time after a hard workout...

Bob's case is still under review at the Vancouver, WA VA rehab. Hopefully, we'll have an answer next week whether he's approved or not. The therapist told me that the length of stay is usually three weeks, and the intensity of rehab is high.

T worked hard today in physical therapy. He crawled, did leg extensions, rolled from front to back and back again, and road the bike for 20 minutes. Needless to say, it was nap time after that. I was exhausted watching him! Oh, Bob took a nap too. :-)

Bob will be coming home for the day tomorrow. He'll need to go back in the evening. The medical staff won't approve any overnight stays for fear of falling. I guess he can't fall during the day.

Bob Pirie Fund: Many of Bob's friends have expressed that they wanted to help by donating to a fund that will help with Bob's medical expenses. I have set up a Bob Pirie Fund at Umpqua Bank here in Roseburg. If you are interested in making a contribution, you can mail a check to: Umpqua Bank
Bob Pirie Fund
445 SE Main Street
Roseburg, OR 97470
c/o Caryn Martin, Universal Associate
Thank you in advance for your support and contribution.
"Father in heaven, thank You for being my Deliverer. I trust that You have a good plan for me and that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf. Thank You for Your strength and peace in every area of my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

Have you checked out travel-mobility.com yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, go to the website, click on Become a Rep.

Jill Bolte Taylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.
email or jiachini@msn.com
stroke info
aneurysm info
VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 103

Thursday, January 14, 2010

8 month anniversary...

Bob's stomach feeding tube was finally removed this morning. That is one more step toward full recovery. It must not have hurt to remove it, because Bob didn't remember that it was removed.

Guess what today is. It's an anniversary. Yup. It is eight months ago today that I found Bob on the bathroom floor. When I told Bob it has been eight months since his mishap. He said, "What mishap?" I also told him that we have spent every day together for the past eight months, and he's not tired of me yet. He's such a sweetheart. He told me he'll never get tired of me. awe...

Aneurysm Questions Find Instant Answers to All Your Aneurysm Questions on Bing. http://www.bing.com/
Bob Pirie Fund: Many of Bob's friends have expressed that they wanted to help by donating to a fund that will help with Bob's medical expenses. I have set up a Bob Pirie Fund at Umpqua Bank here in Roseburg. If you are interested in making a contribution, you can mail a check to: Umpqua Bank
Bob Pirie Fund
445 SE Main Street
Roseburg, OR 97470
c/o Caryn Martin, Universal Associate
Thank you in advance for your support and contribution.

"Father in heaven, I dedicate this day to You. Show me how to prepare for You to move in my life. Help me guard my words and thoughts as I put my trust in You. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

Have you checked out travel-mobility.com yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, go to the website, click on Become a Rep.

Jill Bolte Taylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.
email or jiachini@msn.com
stroke info
aneurysm info
VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 103

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bob bumps his head....

Bob wanted me to take him something from Dairy Queen that is forbidden. So, I took him a Strawberry Cheesequake Blizzard. That is his favorite. He gobbled it down like he hasn 't eaten for days. I suggested that he slow down and take smaller bites or he's going to get a brain freeze. Did he slow down? No. Did he get a brain freeze? Yes? But. he told me he likes how a brain freeze feels, so he's going to continue to take big bites. Now, I know he bumped his head last May! ;)

Memory...We went on a bus trip to an Elk's Club 15 miles south of Roseburg. It was a trip to show appreciation to Vets. We were given a pizza lunch at a pizza parlor. Bob didn't remember going on the trip.

Later we worked on remembering three words. Short term memory had a time frame of about two minutes. One thing good was that he could laugh at his memory. In fact, we had a few giggles.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

tough love

Tonight's blog was going to be about tough love. Tough love, because T made me feel guilty about going home and leaving him do his physical therapy by himself yesterday. Sometimes, we don't know what is best for ourselves. Our loved ones can see more clearly what will benefit our well-being. Even though it doesn't feel very good at the time, the end result will be to everyone's advantage.

I don't know if I'm providing the tough love for my T or if I'm challenging myself to see if I can stay away from my T. I am feeling under-the-weather today with a migraine and nausea. I had to cut my visit very short this morning, and I'm not making a return visit this evening. Bob said he wouldn't get mad like he did yesterday. But, the tough love that I planned on instituting is killing me. Maybe I'm sick from stressing. You know, my kids know how much of a "push over" I am. Is T playing their game too? If so, I'm falling right into the role. :(

T is walking like a normal person. There is no hesitation in his step. He took one step without any assistance. It looked like he had lead in his shoes, but it was an exciting time!

Aneurysm QuestionsFind Instant Answers to All Your Aneurysm Questions on Bing. http://www.bing.com/

Bob Pirie Fund: Many of Bob's friends have expressed that they wanted to help by donating to a fund that will help with Bob's medical expenses. I have set up a Bob Pirie Fund at Umpqua Bank here in Roseburg. If you are interested in making a contribution, you can mail a check to: Umpqua Bank

Bob Pirie Fund

445 SE Main Street

Roseburg, OR 97470

c/o Caryn Martin, Universal Associate

Thank you in advance for your support and contribution.


"Father in heaven, I dedicate this day to You. Show me how to prepare for You to move in my life. Help me guard my words and thoughts as I put my trust in You. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

Have you checked out travel-mobility.com yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, go to the website, click on Become a Rep.

Jill Bolte Taylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.

email or jiachini@msn.com

stroke info

aneurysm info

VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 103

Monday, January 11, 2010

Bob is up on his hands and knees...

Bob said something today that upset me. I know I should just let it "roll" off my back, but it made me do a quick inventory of my past seven months' actions. As I was leaving this afternoon, he, of course, wanted me to take him with me. My explanation of why I couldn't must not have been the right answer. He told me that I was leaving him at the VA because it was convenient for me to do that. He then said that he was an inconvenience to me, and I'm leaving him there until it was convenient for me to pick him up. I'm not sure if he overheard another conversation of someone else in the room. He may have.

This evening he told me that he didn't mean that to be hurtful, he just doesn't want me to leave him alone at the VA. I guess I left in the middle of his half-hour long bike ride on the stationary bike. So, I did leave him alone. I promise to stay longer from now-on.

Exciting thing though! Bob got up on his hands and knees today in physical therapy! woo-hoo! See, I didn't doubt him for one second. I knew he'd be able to do it. Everyone else around him didn't give him a chance. Many nurses keep telling me how wonderful he's progressing and are amazed at the progress. I had no doubts, ever.

Aneurysm QuestionsFind Instant Answers to All Your Aneurysm Questions on Bing. http://www.bing.com/

Bob Pirie Fund: Many of Bob's friends have expressed that they wanted to help by donating to a fund that will help with Bob's medical expenses. I have set up a Bob Pirie Fund at Umpqua Bank here in Roseburg. If you are interested in making a contribution, you can mail a check to: Umpqua Bank
Bob Pirie Fund
445 SE Main Street
Roseburg, OR 97470
c/o Caryn Martin, Universal Associate

Thank you in advance for your support and contribution.

"Father in heaven, I dedicate this day to You. Show me how to prepare for You to move in my life. Help me guard my words and thoughts as I put my trust in You. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

Have you checked out travel-mobility.com yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, go to the website, click on Become a Rep.
Jill Bolte Taylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.
email or jiachini@msn.com
stroke info
aneurysm info
VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 103

Sunday, January 10, 2010

"I don't know"...

I met a person today who has survived three brain strokes, one each year for three years in a row. He said that he's confident that Bob will recover fully. I, too, feel confident. (as many of you have already gathered that about me.)

Well, Bob and I are leaving on a international flight tomorrow. At least, according to my T, we are. He was watching something on the Olympics when he said that. I've said many times, our conversations are centered around what is on TV. This time, though, he wouldn't believe anyone as to the actual location of where he was. Bob had trouble today staying in the present locale.

Cognitive therapy: Bob remembered the pictures we reviewed yesterday. So, today I worked on rapid recall. He wasn't "into" it too much today. He felt there wasn't too much benefit in doing the activity. When he gets in that mind-set, he says, "I don't know"; he doesn't know the names of anything. He digs in his heels and refuses to do anything but stare at the ceiling. Ugh...

Aneurysm QuestionsFind Instant Answers to All Your Aneurysm Questions on Bing. http://www.bing.com/

Bob Pirie Fund: Many of Bob's friends have expressed that they wanted to help by donating to a fund that will help with Bob's medical expenses. I have set up a Bob Pirie Fund at Umpqua Bank here in Roseburg. If you are interested in making a contribution, you can mail a check to: Umpqua Bank
Bob Pirie Fund
445 SE Main Street
Roseburg, OR 97470
c/o Caryn Martin, Universal Associate

Thank you in advance for your support and contribution.

"Father in heaven, I dedicate this day to You. Show me how to prepare for You to move in my life. Help me guard my words and thoughts as I put my trust in You. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

Have you checked out travel-mobility.com yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, go to the website, click on Become a Rep.

Jill Bolte Taylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.
email or jiachini@msn.com
stroke info
aneurysm info
VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 103

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Routine is the key to relearning daily tasks. However, when Bob forgets what the next step is in the sequence, he tries to fill in the blank with something funny. Everyday, fifty times a day, the nurses hand Bob the "call button" and ask him to tell them how he should use it. The remote has a few buttons on it, one for the nurse, one for the lights, and one for the TV. Hahaha...Bob, pointing to the orange button with a picture of a person on it, said, "Push this button if you want a person who doesn't speak Spanish."

Word has it that Bob's feeding tube is finally coming out on Monday. He hasn't used it since October. It's about time!

"How ya doin, Bob?"..."It is frustrating when I can't remember the name of something." Cognitively, we worked on naming pictures found on cards. For the most part, T remembered the name of the picture. There were a few that baffled him. His memory recall ten minutes later was perfect. I'll retest him tomorrow to see how his long-term memory recall is improving.

Aneurysm QuestionsFind Instant Answers to All Your Aneurysm Questions on Bing. http://www.bing.com/

Bob Pirie Fund: Many of Bob's friends have expressed that they wanted to help by donating to a fund that will help with Bob's medical expenses. I have set up a Bob Pirie Fund at Umpqua Bank here in Roseburg. If you are interested in making a contribution, you can mail a check to: Umpqua Bank
Bob Pirie Fund
445 SE Main Street
Roseburg, OR 97470
c/o Caryn Martin, Universal Associate

Thank you in advance for your support and contribution.

"Father in heaven, I dedicate this day to You. Show me how to prepare for You to move in my life. Help me guard my words and thoughts as I put my trust in You. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

Have you checked out travel-mobility.com yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, go to the website, click on Become a Rep.

Jill Bolte Taylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.
email or jiachini@msn.com
stroke info
aneurysm info
VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 103

Friday, January 8, 2010

Emotional day...

Today was an emotional day at the VA. Two situations brought tears to my eyes. First, one of the nurses has a cousin whose son was killed this week in Afghanistan. He stepped on a landmine that killed four soldiers. After talking to us about how her week has been from the time her husband got the phone call to returning to work, Bob had tears in his eyes and started to cry. Well, of course, I started to cry. Then, one of the other vets started to cry hard and couldn't stop. He told me the other day that he flew helicopters in the Vietnam War and set up ambushes. I believe he overheard our conversation. It probably took him back to losing friends of his in the war. Thank goodness for strong nurses, because I was crying again.

The second situation that brought tears to my eyes took place in physical therapy. While Bob was laying on his stomach, the therapist asked him to get up on his hands and knees. He could not do it. The therapist then said that until he can get on all "fours" he will not be able to go home for overnight stays or the weekend. The reason for this is because, should Bob fall, he needs to be able to get on all fours to be able to crawl to transfer to a chair. That was heart-breaking, but I suppose I can live with that reason. I told the physical therapist that I can't get on all fours if I fall, and when asked what my plan was for getting up, I just said, "Without Bob, I make sure I don't do anything to fall." She looked at Bob and said, "There, all the more reason for you to get strong so you can go back to lifting Jan when she falls."

Whew...I'm glad today is done!

Aneurysm QuestionsFind Instant Answers to All Your Aneurysm Questions on Bing. http://www.bing.com/

Bob Pirie Fund: Many of Bob's friends have expressed that they wanted to help by donating to a fund that will help with Bob's medical expenses. I have set up a Bob Pirie Fund at Umpqua Bank here in Roseburg. If you are interested in making a contribution, you can mail a check to: Umpqua Bank

Bob Pirie Fund

445 SE Main Street

Roseburg, OR 97470

c/o Caryn Martin, Universal Associate

Thank you in advance for your support and contribution.


Have you checked out travel-mobility.com yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, go to the website, click on Become a Rep.

Jill Bolte Taylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.

email or jiachini@msn.com

stroke info

aneurysm info

VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 103

Thursday, January 7, 2010

New room number...

Bob was moved to a new room. His new room number is 103.

Bob is also off of "house arrest". I guess he has been good for the past couple of days, and he has proven he has learned his lesson, so the wrist alarm has been removed.

I learned a new word today, burgle. Its definition is to rob, to steal from, to take without the owner's consent. This word usually pertains to burglarizing, but as I thought about it, being in the situation I've been in for the past seven and half months, I believe Bob has been burgled. Since the recovery level of a person who has had a ruptured aneurysm is not a science, medical personnel categorize every survivor in the "poor" improvement class. Due to this mentality, Bob has been burgled of the rehabilitation he's entitled. Without his consent, his recuperation was stolen. His rehabilitation time with therapists has been given to others who are deemed worthy. It's not fair. And, this holds true for the medical staff at OHSU all the way to the VA.

I talked with the head medical decision-maker today. If Bob doesn't get accepted into the Vancouver, WA Rehab right away, she agreed to allow Bob to come home on the weekends. He will remain at the VA during the week to continue strength exercising and pressure wound care. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I'm excited to finally have him home, but nervous that his health is well enough to be away from immediate medical help.

Aneurysm QuestionsFind Instant Answers to All Your Aneurysm Questions on Bing. http://www.bing.com/

Bob Pirie Fund: Many of Bob's friends have expressed that they wanted to help by donating to a fund that will help with Bob's medical expenses. I have set up a Bob Pirie Fund at Umpqua Bank here in Roseburg. If you are interested in making a contribution, you can mail a check to: Umpqua Bank
Bob Pirie Fund
445 SE Main Street
Roseburg, OR 97470
c/o Caryn Martin, Universal Associate

Thank you in advance for your support and contribution.

"Father in heaven, I dedicate this day to You. Show me how to prepare for You to move in my life. Help me guard my words and thoughts as I put my trust in You. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

Have you checked out travel-mobility.com yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, go to the website, click on Become a Rep.

Jill Bolte Taylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.
email or jiachini@msn.com
stroke info
aneurysm info
VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 103

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Bob looks good...

I could only visit my T one time today. We had a toilet mishap at home. My shoes were covered with water as I stood in the bathroom. All is fixed. We just had a frantic few minutes.

Bob looked really good today. He looked well-rested. His hair was fixed. His color was good.

He worked with the physical therapist again today. Also, he was moved, once again, to another room. All of his infections are clear, so his room needed disinfected and made sterile.

Our house addition will be finished next week. If Bob isn't shipped off to Vancouver, I'm bringing him home. Daniel and I are going to buy a recliner for Bob. He'll need to stay off of his pressure wound until it is completely healed. The chair will be purchased with the Bob Pirie Fund that many of you have graciously contributed to.

Aneurysm QuestionsFind Instant Answers to All Your Aneurysm Questions on Bing. http://www.bing.com/

Bob Pirie Fund: Many of Bob's friends have expressed that they wanted to help by donating to a fund that will help with Bob's medical expenses. I have set up a Bob Pirie Fund at Umpqua Bank here in Roseburg. If you are interested in making a contribution, you can mail a check to: Umpqua Bank
Bob Pirie Fund
445 SE Main Street
Roseburg, OR 97470
c/o Caryn Martin, Universal Associate

Thank you in advance for your support and contribution.

"Father in heaven, I dedicate this day to You. Show me how to prepare for You to move in my life. Help me guard my words and thoughts as I put my trust in You. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

Have you checked out travel-mobility.com yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, go to the website, click on Become a Rep.

Jill Bolte Taylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.
email or jiachini@msn.com
stroke info
aneurysm info
VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 106

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Blame it on me...

I created a little bit of a ruckus this morning. I decided to call my T on his cell phone. He didn't answer. But, when he called me back, he was laughing. He said I woke everyone up. He said that his phone was ringing loud, and when he got up and out of bed, he set off the bed and stand-up alarm. Nurses were running to Bob's aid, since he's a risk for falling, and his phone was ringing. Hahaha...can you imagine that fiasco!

I bet Bob will sleep good tonight. He did a lot of walking today. He did some rolling around on the physical therapy table. Rolling from laying on his back to his stomach was nearly impossible, but he did it. He also rode the stationary bike for twenty minutes. So, I believe he'll sleep well tonight.

Cognitive therapy: We went on a picnic and took things from each letter of the alphabet. Each person needed to recite all of the items listed, then add to the list by naming an item for the subsequent alphabet letter. For example, we went on a picnic and to apples (mine), banana (his), canalope (mine), dogwood (his), envelopes (mine), food (his), a guinie pig (mine). That's all he could remember. We'll work on that memory skill tomorrow.

Aneurysm QuestionsFind Instant Answers to All Your Aneurysm Questions on Bing. http://www.bing.com/

Bob Pirie Fund: Many of Bob's friends have expressed that they wanted to help by donating to a fund that will help with Bob's medical expenses. I have set up a Bob Pirie Fund at Umpqua Bank here in Roseburg. If you are interested in making a contribution, you can mail a check to: Umpqua Bank
Bob Pirie Fund
445 SE Main Street
Roseburg, OR 97470
c/o Caryn Martin, Universal Associate

Thank you in advance for your support and contribution.

"Father in heaven, I dedicate this day to You. Show me how to prepare for You to move in my life. Help me guard my words and thoughts as I put my trust in You. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

Have you checked out travel-mobility.com yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, go to the website, click on Become a Rep.

Jill Bolte Taylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.
email or jiachini@msn.com
stroke info
aneurysm info
VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 106

Monday, January 4, 2010

"I'm slow"...

"I'm slow" is what Bob told the physical therapist today. Hearing him say that choked me up for a minute or two. It choked me up for two reasons. One, my T recognizes his physical and mental ability to be slower than normal, which means, he's cognitively "awake" enough to realize something happened to his brain. And two, it doesn't bother me one bit that he is slow to move or think. I see past that challenge and see him back to normal in 2010.

Bob will finally be moved completely out of isolation tomorrow. Both, his MRSA and C-Diff are cleared. He has been in isolation since August 28.

Bob, also, finally started a daily regiment with the PT. He has an appointment with her everyday at 1pm. Formal PT will not be a sporatic event anymore. woo-hoo!

Cognitive therapy: Bob and I completed a word search. He was finding just as many hidden words as I was, and he was using only one eye!

Aneurysm QuestionsFind Instant Answers to All Your Aneurysm Questions on Bing. http://www.bing.com/

Bob Pirie Fund: Many of Bob's friends have expressed that they wanted to help by donating to a fund that will help with Bob's medical expenses. I have set up a Bob Pirie Fund at Umpqua Bank here in Roseburg. If you are interested in making a contribution, you can mail a check to: Umpqua Bank
Bob Pirie Fund
445 SE Main Street
Roseburg, OR 97470
c/o Caryn Martin, Universal Associate

Thank you in advance for your support and contribution.

"Father in heaven, I dedicate this day to You. Show me how to prepare for You to move in my life. Help me guard my words and thoughts as I put my trust in You. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

Have you checked out travel-mobility.com yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, go to the website, click on Become a Rep.

Jill Bolte Taylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.
email or jiachini@msn.com
stroke info
aneurysm info
VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 106

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Remember diamonds!...

Bob has learned the trick to answering rote questions. Everyday I ask the same questions..."Where do we live?" "What is the date?" "What year is it?" "When's your birthday?" "How old are you?"

Today, I asked when my birthday is. Bob started guessing. He eventually guessed correctly. Then he started guessing the date. I said to him, "You don't know, do you? What do you do, guess, and then I tell you the answer when you're wrong?" He said with his belly giggle, "Something like that." So, from now on, I'm not telling him the answer. But, I did remind him of what he's getting me on my birthday...diamonds. He remembered that the rest of the day!

Aneurysm QuestionsFind Instant Answers to All Your Aneurysm Questions on Bing. http://www.bing.com/

Bob Pirie Fund: Many of Bob's friends have expressed that they wanted to help by donating to a fund that will help with Bob's medical expenses. I have set up a Bob Pirie Fund at Umpqua Bank here in Roseburg. If you are interested in making a contribution, you can mail a check to: Umpqua Bank
Bob Pirie Fund
445 SE Main Street
Roseburg, OR 97470
c/o Caryn Martin, Universal Associate
Thank you in advance for your support and contribution.

"Father in heaven, I dedicate this day to You. Show me how to prepare for You to move in my life. Help me guard my words and thoughts as I put my trust in You. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

Have you checked out travel-mobility.com yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, go to the website, click on Become a Rep.

Jill Bolte Taylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.
email or jiachini@msn.com
stroke info
aneurysm info
VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 106

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 2 of the new year...

How many days until Christmas? I say, not enough.

T has had a new thing going on for the past few days. He is getting quite irritated at anything that doesn't seem right. He gets mad because you tell him that he didn't go shopping when he's sure he did. He gets mad when you tell him that someone did something wrong. He gets mad when he doesn't agree with the schedule for the day. He gets adamant about saying, "NO".

For the longest time, Bob had no emotion about anything. Now, the terrible twos is rearing its ugly head again. I've noticed that Bob takes on whatever mood I am in. If I'm complaining, he compounds it. I guess I need to watch my mood.

Bob went on a long walk today. He was tired by the time he got back to his room. I always know when he's completely tired. He sits and stares with his mouth hanging open. He doesn't have enough energy to hold his mouth shut. (funny)

Aneurysm QuestionsFind Instant Answers to All Your Aneurysm Questions on Bing. http://www.bing.com/

Bob Pirie Fund: Many of Bob's friends have expressed that they wanted to help by donating to a fund that will help with Bob's medical expenses. I have set up a Bob Pirie Fund at Umpqua Bank here in Roseburg. If you are interested in making a contribution, you can mail a check to: Umpqua Bank
Bob Pirie Fund
445 SE Main Street
Roseburg, OR 97470
c/o Caryn Martin, Universal Associate
Thank you in advance for your support and contribution.

"Father in heaven, I dedicate this day to You. Show me how to prepare for You to move in my life. Help me guard my words and thoughts as I put my trust in You. In Jesus' Name. Amen."

Have you checked out travel-mobility.com yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, go to the website, click on Become a Rep.

Jill Bolte Taylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.
email or jiachini@msn.com
stroke info
aneurysm info
VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 106

Friday, January 1, 2010

Sauerkraut and pork...

Happy New Year

Bob came home for New Year's day dinner. We have a tradition of eating pork and sauerkraut. Sauerkraut is a food that brings good luck and prosperity for the coming year. I don't know where that tradition came from. I think it's an east coast thing. It doesn't matter, because I'm not going to be the first to change the tradition. Not eating sauerkraut on New Year's day is like saying out loud that you don't believe in Santa Clause. You just don't do it for fear of what might happen. Catastrophic events will happen! The sky will fall down!

Bob used only his walker all day. We didn't bring his wheelchair with us. He did good getting in and out of chairs and off of the couch. Thank goodness for Daniel, though. Without his help, T would be sitting for days. He's too heavy for Zachary and me to lift to a standing position. Chairs with arms would have been great.

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Bob Pirie Fund: Many of Bob's friends have expressed that they wanted to help by donating to a fund that will help with Bob's medical expenses. I have set up a Bob Pirie Fund at Umpqua Bank here in Roseburg. If you are interested in making a contribution, you can mail a check to: Umpqua Bank
Bob Pirie Fund
445 SE Main Street
Roseburg, OR 97470
c/o Caryn Martin, Universal Associate
Thank you in advance for your support and contribution.

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Jill Bolte Taylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.
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VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 106