Welcome note

When my husband and I set out to find and take pictures of wheelchair accessible waterfalls in every U.S. state, we were excited about the challenge. We gave ourselves no time limit to accomplish our feat; however, we had one mutually agreed upon rule that dictated how long we would stay in any given area. That rule was to never shiver again. Needless to say, adhering to this rule presented a new challenge. The new challenge was to find a waterfall that was actually flowing. Visiting mid-west and eastern states during months that prevented us from shivering are the same months that are hot enough to dry up streams; hence, little or no water flow for waterfalls. The natural scenery and picturesque landscapes warrant a second visit in the early spring right after the snow melts.

Bob and Jan

Bob and Jan
Christmas Eve

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Friday, May 29, 2009

Friday 5/29/09

This is the first weekend I've been home and away from my t (I call Bob, t). I feel more at ease leaving for a few days, since he was bright-eyed and bushy tailed last night; but it's going to be the longest weekend ever.

I'm in the process getting him transferred to the VA in Roseburg for his extended rehab that he will need when he leaves OHSU. Anyone know any tricks or have clout to make the process easier? Most of you know he was a cardiac ICU nurse in the Army during the Vietnam War. He was stationed stateside. Currently, he rides with the Patriot Guard. After each ride, he comes home so emotional. That's one thing I love about t; he has such a sensitive side that he makes me cry too.

Your prayers and thoughts have helped tremendously. Please keep them coming. I'm reading your emails to Bob. They can be sent to jiachini@msn.com

For more information about stroke, visit www.strokeassociation.com


Anonymous said...

Hi Jan, What about the guys that he rides with in the Patriot Guard? Can you contact someone there that knows an HR or someone of the like that might help? Just a thought! Glad you have this situation to figure out .. it means "mr t" is getting better! Brenda

mpettib1 said...

it's sad that it is such a process to get someone in the va. Happy to hear that he is showing progress and has someone who will help him through the tough times.