I must confess, I was a little jealous this afternoon while Isaac and I visited t. Isaac was able to engage t in conversation. He was able to get his dad to say "I love you". Bob just looked at me like I had two heads.
Zachary and I returned to the hospital for our usual bedtime visit. T was so awake. He reached for my arm to give me a hug. He felt my face as I hugged him. He even said, "I love you". awe...I've been waiting so long for him to say that.
T was so awake, I was able to elicit a reaction that I would have recieved before all of this happened. He has always hated when I said, "psst" to get his attention. When I was saying good-bye for the evening, he kept focusing on the tv
(typical male :-D
) I made the sound
psst. He instantly looked at me; I said my good-byes, then he immediately looked back at the tv. I made the sound
psst again, his eyes shot daggers at me. That's the typical reaction I have always gotten. Yeah...my t is in there. We all laughed at his reaction; even t.
By-the-way, Bob had a big smile on his face when I played the cd of Ray Benson, leader of Asleep at the Wheel. The recording uses Bob's name as well as mine. I think we might have to go see the band for the third time (it might be the fifth or sixth time for Bob) within the coming year.
Prayer from Pastor Daryl:
God of grace and glory, holy comforter, healing Spirit, we give you thanks for Bob’s continuing recovery and renewal. Continue to reach out and bring him healing through the hands of those who care for him. Radiate through his life with the light of your presence, that renewed health and strength may be his. Grant to him and those dear to him the continuing assurance of your steadfast love and mercy that they may know the peace that comes from you; through Christ our healer. Amen.
email: jiachini@msn.com
stroke info: http://www.strokeassociation.com/
aneurysm info: http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/cerebral_aneurysm/detail_cerebral_aneurysm.htm VIBRA Specialty Hospital: 10300 NE Hancock St., Portland, OR 97220 Rm 315