In the 19th century, Amos Doane owned the land and a four-story tall manufacturing mill of doors, sashes, and blinds that sat on the falls. Later aftser the Doane's mill failed, several mills-grist, saw, pail, and falling-operated successfully on the falls.
WATERFALL TYPE: The waterfalls cascade over boulders, flat granite, and small islands at several points on the Lawrence Brook before plunging into the Tully Lake.
ACCESSIBILITY: Trails lead down both sides of the stream. Two types of trails lead to the upper falls and lower falls. Moderate to strenuous trails lead to viewing points and to the base of the falls; however, trails marked as handicapped with handicapped signs are smooth. The trails lead directly to viewing areas.
Athol Road
Royalston, MA 01368
Telephone: 978.248.9455
Tully Lake Campground: 978.249.4957 (seasonal)
Rt. 2, Exit 18, follow Rt. 2A West into Athol. At intersection with Rt.
32, cross Miller’s River Bridge and bear right onto Chestnut Hill Rd.
(becomes Athol Rd.) north toward Royalston. Proceed 4 mi. to entrance
and parking (3 cars) on left. To Coddings Meadow at Lawrence Brook, walk
0.5 mi. down gated woods road off Athol Rd. on right just before stone
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