Welcome note

When my husband and I set out to find and take pictures of wheelchair accessible waterfalls in every U.S. state, we were excited about the challenge. We gave ourselves no time limit to accomplish our feat; however, we had one mutually agreed upon rule that dictated how long we would stay in any given area. That rule was to never shiver again. Needless to say, adhering to this rule presented a new challenge. The new challenge was to find a waterfall that was actually flowing. Visiting mid-west and eastern states during months that prevented us from shivering are the same months that are hot enough to dry up streams; hence, little or no water flow for waterfalls. The natural scenery and picturesque landscapes warrant a second visit in the early spring right after the snow melts.

Bob and Jan

Bob and Jan
Christmas Eve

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Friday, September 11, 2009

I'm telling the truth...

Yep, Bob is definitely more alert in the evening. For a short while this evening, we had normal conversation about what happened in May; he knew his birthday without hesitation; and, he knew the date. He is determined, though, to convince me that we live in Iowa. He doesn't believe that we live in Oregon. He'll tell me, "Whatever you say. But, I don't believe you." He told me today that we are only a few miles west of Iowa. He says he'll prove it to me on a map.

Even though Bob is quite alert in the evenings, at one point every evening, he gets very frightened. He gets very insecure; almost paranoid. His hands shake and his voiced quivers from being nervous. He doesn't understand why things are the way they are, and why he can't do what he wants to do. He thinks people are "falsely" telling him things. (that is what he says) I have a nurse verify what I'm telling him, and he still doesn't believe me. For example, he's getting urges to urinate. I tell him he has a catheter in him. I explain all the details of how it works, where it goes, show him the tube... He throws the sheet off and says he'll pull it out; he has to go. I'll explain again; he'll insist he's going to "wet" himself. Ugh....one day at a time. :-)

My t is still as cute as a puppydog.

One day at a time...
"Heavenly Father, I know what you've put on the inside of me. By faith I see the dreams you've given me coming to pass, no matter what my circumstances are. I am full of Your power and I'm ready to become everything you created me to be. In Jesus' Name. Amen"

Have you checked out travel-mobility.com yet? Check out our new website. Pass it on too. We'd appreciate it. If you'd like an online home business of your own, email me.

Jill Bolte Taylor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyjU8fzEYU It'll make you cry, it's so amazing.

email: jiachini@msn.com

stroke info: http://www.strokeassociation.com

aneurysm info: http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/cerebral_aneurysm/detail_cerebral_aneurysm.htm

VA Healthcare System, Transitional Care Unit, 913 NW Garden Valley Blvd, Roseburg, OR 97470 Room 108A

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