Welcome note

When my husband and I set out to find and take pictures of wheelchair accessible waterfalls in every U.S. state, we were excited about the challenge. We gave ourselves no time limit to accomplish our feat; however, we had one mutually agreed upon rule that dictated how long we would stay in any given area. That rule was to never shiver again. Needless to say, adhering to this rule presented a new challenge. The new challenge was to find a waterfall that was actually flowing. Visiting mid-west and eastern states during months that prevented us from shivering are the same months that are hot enough to dry up streams; hence, little or no water flow for waterfalls. The natural scenery and picturesque landscapes warrant a second visit in the early spring right after the snow melts.

Bob and Jan

Bob and Jan
Christmas Eve

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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I'm forever amazed...

Bob made his first "real" decision today. Yes, he has made decisions about what he wanted to eat when we go out to eat at a restaurant, but today he decided not to ride along with me to pick up the kids three different times. One of the times, he knew he'd be at home for two hours by himself. Any other day, he would have ridden with me without thinking.

Yes, I said by himself. I tried to convince him to go with me; he insisted on staying home. I was very nervous about letting him home. I called on the cell phone continuously. He promised he was at the computer the entire time working on his client letter. I believe he was.

Bob is beginning to get his own medicine gathered with the rest of his morning routine. It's not perfect, and he needs supervision, but with repetition, he'll get it.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Two thumbs up for recovery...

Bob received two thumbs up from the neurosurgeon at the Portland VA. We do not need to make anymore visits 3 hours north of where we live. The doctor also said Bob doesn't need to have anymore CT Scans. Bob is all cleared to continue to recover.

Since we were in Portland, we went to the ICU in OHSU. (The VA hospital and OHSU are connected by the longest sky bridge in the world.) As we "rolled" down the hall, I gave my t a quick commentary of our time spent on that 7th floor. Let me tell you...the smells, the sounds, and the sights are not missed. As soon as we passed through the doors, I heard a nurse shouting, "Jim, can you open your eyes for me? Open your eyes!" What an all too familiar sound. Anyway, the nurses were so happy to see Bob. They said they don't usually get to see patients after they leave the ICU, which leaves them wondering what has happened to patients. One of the nurses who came to greet T said that he was one of her first patients.

Oh yes, there was a lot of crying. T was crying, listening to all of their stories about him, and they were crying because he was thanking them to no end. I was crying watching everyone. There were hugs given over and over again.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Thanks for your help...

Thank you everyone for your suggestions for helping Zachary with his allergies. He health is, no, has become so out of whack since he has been sick for so long. Many times he expresses his frustration by yelling or crying because he feels so lousy.

Tomorrow is appointment day at the VA in Portland with the neurosurgeons. Bob has had good CT Scans, so I'm hoping his doctor's visit is positive too.

Oh my goodness, I laughed so hard today, I cried. T got my wheelchair for me, while I tutored. There is a big difference in the size of his wheelchair compared to mine. Two of my wheelchairs will fit inside his one wheelchair. Picture this... instead of pushing my chair to me, Bob sat in my chair. Or, should I say, Bob squeezed in my chair. He almost wasn't able to get out of the chair; he stood up and the chair came with him.

We had no arguments today about where we live. However, at one point he asked if we were going to Chicago. When I said, "No", he said, "Oh, that's right. We live all the way over on the west coast in Oregon." YEAH! FINALLY! Now let's see if that response continues tomorrow.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Scaring the begeebers out of me...

OMG! I had the wits scared out of me this morning. I let Bob drive to church. He did great. He just took turns way too wide. I thought he was going to hit the curb several times. Also, we passed some roadwork that had quite a few cones set up. Bob came close to running over a few. Both of us were glad we arrived safely to church. Bob was glad , because my screaming was deafening to his ears and his manly pride.

Bob and I looked back at my blogs to see where he was medically last year at on this date. He just arrived at VIBRA. He had the trach, and was still attached to oxygen. He couldn't talk, and he couldn't swallow voluntarily. The speech therapist was reteaching him how to swallow by using ice cubes. Wow, what a difference one year makes. He has no problem eating his fair share of food now.

T and I exercised today. We did chair yoga. We laughed so hard several times. At one point, we were required to put our arms above our heads and raise one leg in the air. hahahaha... First you need to have enough strength to put your arms above your head without falling over; and then raise your leg. All I can say is, "Thank goodness we were sitting down! If I wasn't, I would have been on my butt." :-(

Zachary's health problems are still going. His eyes are swollen shut with allergies and he has a massive headache from clogged sinuses. Know any remedies? email me

Continue to visit the ads to the right to increase revenue and to move me up Google's rating.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Only a loose battery...

All it was was the battery! Zachary announced this morning that he dropped my laptop. Now, it doesn't turn on. Crap! My laptop has "my life" on it. I have so much of my writing and classwork on my laptop. Frantically, we drove to Best Buy in Eugene, one hour north of Roseburg, to see if the Geek Squad could fix my computer. Believe this...He looked at the computer, turned it over, then took the battery out. Then, he plugged the battery back into the computer. It turned on! It wasn't broken! It was only a loose battery. That was the good news. The bad news was that we drove for one hour to see the Geek Squad for five minutes. I'll be positive...I got "my life-line" back.

Before this emergency, I had all intentions of doing a chair yoga tape for stretching with my t. It's another form of exercise we need to do. Even though I hid Bob's wheelchair for the day, he refuses to give it up totally. He'll use it part of the day. He says, "It's faster."

Don't forget to see the additions in the right column. My blogpage moves higher on the Google list.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

One more step to recovery...

Bob, finally, got his brace to help with his drop foot. It has a print of dolphins all over it. He's styling! The brace makes a big difference in his stride.

Bob and I have a bet. He is positive he's going to win. He's going to show me on a map that Oregon is "dead center" in the middle of the United States, and I will do the same, but will prove Oregon is on the west coast. What ever am I going to do when he accepts the fact that Oregon is on the west coast...always?

Bob's email
Jan's email

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My cart was faster...

Bob and I are getting the venturing idea down to a science. We went to Wal-mart today. We walked in, then got two automatic carts. One of the attendants had to show Bob how to run his cart, because he never ran one before his aneurysm, so he didn't have familiar information stored in his brain to pull a "how to" strategy from. But he learned how instantly.

Bob headed out first, then as we started down the main isle; he in his cart, I in mine. My cart was faster, so I swerved out to the left of my t and left him in my dust. :-)

Even though my t's memory is improving, I'm not sure he'd be able to survive without assistance. He has his morning shower routine down, but can't remember to take his medicine. I set it out for him every morning and evening. He knows his computer password and everything about commodities, but can't remember where our bedroom and bathroom are located. He can make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or get a bowl of cereal, but has difficulty with the microwave. I know the more "real" situations I can create, the more relearning Bob can do.

Bob used his wheelchair as little as possible today. His legs are becoming more fit; he says he recognizes the difference everyday.

Bob's email
Jan's email

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Good news...

Another piece of good news - Bob's stomach wound is completely healed shut. We have one more appointment this coming Tuesday at the Portland VA with the neurosurgeons. It's a follow-up appointment for the CT Scans that have been done over the past two months. Cross your fingers that we get a good report.

Well, I did it. I finally put Bob's wheelchair in an inconvenient place, which made my t needing to walk with the walker or, better yet, walk with nothing at all. He walked across the street to the mailbox all by himself. I was tutoring, but I kept looking out the window worrying about a car driving too fast around the corner and hitting my t. It was funny, though. Bob stood on the sidewalk waving at the drivers as they passed by. I saw him do that in the small town of Fairmont, MN; however, in a bigger city, waving at passerbyers that you don't know usually has a different meaning. Nothing mean. Even though, it means something different here in Roseburg, Bob always did continue to wave at people walking or driving while he was driving. What a small town boy. :-)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Who's tired?...

I think I need to re-evaluate who's the one putting up the excuses not to exercise, Bob or me. By 5pm, I'm ready to go to bed. Have you every seen a picture of a battery that shows how much battery-life is left? By 5pm, my battery-life is well into the "red" zone. It's easy for me to command Bob to exercise, and then, sit back to watch or count repetitions. :-/

I think the country song that says, "I need a vacation from my life" applies to me right now. It might be called "burned" out. Yeah, that's it. It always feels better when you put a label to how you feel.

Bob is moving right along. You know, at one point, I read that after six to eight months of a stroke recovery progression is so slow that on might think that the top level of recovery has been met, and that is it. But, with Bob, I still see recovery progressing everyday.

Bob did the memory games on mymsmyway.com. He moved up a level; whereas, last week he had a difficult time remember what he was supposed to do on the pre-beginner level. woo-hoo!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Fathers Day...

Happy Fathers Day

Three topics that show a nasty side of Bob's personality are location, suggesting exercise, and talk of putting his wheelchair in the closet. He reacts by coming "at" me in his wheelchair. The look on his face is like he's going to bite off my nose. I suppose that goes along with the frustration he is feeling not being able to do what he used-to.

My son, Daniel, witnessed Bob's frustration at me. He left the house for a few moments and came back with a bunch of wild daisies for me. Aww... how sweet. Bob also, apologized for being "mouthy". He's a sweetie too.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Muscle strength improving...check

Bob is getting his muscle strength back more and more each day. We went to Home Depot today. He walked to the department we wanted, then back to the car. He also walked into the hair salon to sit while I got my hair cut. What a great guy!

Of course, we had our usual daily argument of where we live. He insisted we were in Sioux Falls, SD. Bob told me, "If we keep telling people we live in Roseburg, no one will be able to find us." :-) Maybe I don't want to be found.

Bob's mom is doing well. She is in a nursing home in her hometown until she can walk better. She's unable to walk so far. The pins and screws will stay in; they will not be removed.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Hi 5...

Bob and I bought a 2011 Honda Pilot today. Bob was so happy he cried. He cried, because he liked the color, deep red. He cried, because we bought something together. He cried , because he was happy to see me excited. That's ok, though. That emotion subsided some over the past month. He has always been an emotional person; so, I don't think he's going lose it. I hope he doesn't lose that emotion.

Haha...Bob still feels that Oregon is in the middle of the US, but when I tell him, "No it's not", instead of arguing with me, he says in a sarcastic voice, "Whatever you say."

You'll be happy to hear, my t walks everywhere, if we go outside of the house, like shopping, Home Depot, choir practice, or church. I'm slow, but I try to walk beside him.

I just finished watching "Alice in Wonderland" with Johnnie Depp. What a good movie with great graphics. Also, there are good lessons to learn. One that stood out to me is a good lesson to be reminded of, and that is to stand up for who you are in a respectful way. Another is, mean people never win at the game of life.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My brain is full...

Just when I thought I was getting the commodity rules and know-how, Bob tells me to sell things I didn't even buy. WHAT? All I did was ask how to make money when you don't have enough to buy. He said to sell contracts and buy puts. AAAA...As Bob attempted to explain the concept, all my brain heard was la la la la. An invisible sheild surrounded my head. Sound waves were deflected from my ears. This is a good reminder of how the students, I tutor, feel when they don't understand a concept, even if, I explain it twenty different ways.

Later, I was writing an article on corporate wellness programs, and I thought to myself, "See this is easy. I feel smart again."

Bob's email
Jan's email

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The light gets turned on...

Bob had an a-ha moment today. He was looking at a list of brokers from ADMIS in Chicago. He came across three Lakes Trading Companies - one in Alabama, one in South Dakota, and one in Oregon. He studied the information for the branch in Oregon. His name was there. He couldn't believe his eyes. I asked him if he believes me now when I say we live in Oregon. He said, "I guess I have to." He also knew where Oregon was in the US. I ran through the gamut of questions that I ask everyday. Bob finally responded with quick correct answers.

He's still a bullshitter though. One story he has repeated over and over is that he went to Africa when he was in the military. He was very detailed today. I think he's still bullshitting me. Does anyone know if this story is true?

Bob's email
Jan's email

Monday, June 14, 2010

Hey, email me a trading scenario...

What are your thoughts of a productive day? I don't seem to get too much accomplished in one day anymore. I sit at the computer most of the day, searching and writing. I guess I need to rethink what I believe is productive. My thoughts now are still of a mobile person; I'm not.

Trying to light the fire under Bob is also frustrating. He knows what he needs to do to get back to being a full-fledged broker, but he lolly-gags. I'm going to make up more scenarios tomorrow for trading. He's "in the zone" when you talk commodities.

Hey everyone, send me some fake trading scenarios. Let's say you have $10,000, go to www.lakestradingcompany.com to see what commodities are your options to trade, then email me what you want to do. Remember, this is all for the sake of getting t's brain going.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Where do we live? Who knows?...

Thank you to all of those who expressed a concern for Bob's mom. She is doing fine. Surgery went well. How she fell? She just was getting out of the car and didn't get her footing right.

Why is it that Bob remembers some short-term things and not our address? I've reviewed everyday our address and where Oregon is located in the United States. He insists that Oregon is in central US. I offered to drive him to the coast today to prove where we are. Of course, he refused my offer. He did want to lose the bet!

We didn't walk much today. We were pooped from yesterday's Costco excursion.

Bob's email
Jan's email

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Prayers for Bob's mom...

If you want to have a good chuckle, picture this...Bob and I ventured out on our own again today. We went to Costo. When we got there, we needed to figure out how we can get from the car to the entrance. Inside the entrance will be automatic carts for us to ride through the store. Luckily, there was a push cart right beside our parking spot.

So, we proceeded to use the push cart like a walker. However, instead of one of us pushing, we both got behind the cart, alternated hands on the handle, and slowly walked in. We were laughing so hard, I think people were looking at us laughing, instead of our clumsy gate.

When we got to the door, I think the attendant felt sorry for us that we didn't have to show our membership card. She probably thought, "If those two people put that much effort into coming to the store, they must be members."

We motored around the store in the automatic carts getting all the things we needed; all the food was in my cart, and all others were in t's. Our train gave people something to laugh at.

Bob's short-term memory still sucks. His memory of our location still sucks. He told me today, "Why don't you share some of whatever you're smoking, because we left the state and now we are back in Oregon."

Healing prayers are needed for Bob's Mom. On their travels back to Iowa from Oregon, she fell and broke her leg (in Nebraska). She had surgery to put in pins and screws. She's doing fine now. The therapists already have her up and walking.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Calm day...

Bob and I went for our first walk today. It wasn't far, but its a start. We were a sight to chuckle at-Bob with his walker, me with a crutch and hanging onto Bob's walker. We didn't go far. By the time we got back to the house, both of us were pooped. I walk so slow; it takes a lot of muscle strength to keep yourself from toppling over.

Other than that, not much happened today. It was a bright sunny day. I believe summer is finally here.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A small update...

Today's outing was with the wound care nurse at the VA. Bob's stomach wound is healing nicely. The inside is shrinking, and the outside looks great. I guess nurse Jan :-) is doing a good job.

We attempted a trip to Wal-mart, but there wasn't a parking space in the handicap area, so we canceled the adventure.

I think my new medicine is working. My legs don't ache when I walk, and they aren't spastic upon standing or moving. I've been walking beside my t, using his walker and one of my crutches to balance me. I envision myself walking with no assistance, but I wonder what in the world am I going to do when I don't need a wheelchair. It has been five years since I haven't needed a wheelchair, and it has been eight years since I haven't needed a cane or crutches. Now, I really need to get on the exercise "kick" to strengthen my legs that have sat for five years.

Bob's memory hasn't changed. He still likes to make up stories, and he still doesn't believe we live on the west coast of the United States. He knows we live in Oregon, but he thinks Oregon has been moved to the Midwest. :-/

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

memory, exercise bah...

I am so sorry. I forgot to post a blog yesterday. Please forgive me.

The location issue is frustrating, can make both t and me angry, but it has become something we can joke about and laugh at. All day long today, Bob refused to believe that Oregon was not in the middle of the United States. I told him to ask anyone at choir. He told me they are probably in cahoots with me. hahaha...

Bob can't accept the fact that his memory is not what it used to be. Before his aneurysm, his brain was like a sponge. It soaked up and held and information that went through it. We discussed writing things down that needs remembered. He got snippy with me about that idea. He feels he can remember. I think we'll need to practice the concept to show how useful the activity will be for memory.

We did a bit more walking today. Bob walked across the garage with no assistance of any kind. I held my breath, but he was ok. Exercise though, is hard to fit into the day. You'd think we we busy all day. And to think, I designed fitness programs for employees, and I taught a college class that taught students to design their own fitness program. hmm...

Monday, June 7, 2010

The brain is forever baffling...

Every night, I ask Bob, "What do you want me to tell all of our readers?" He says, "I don't know", which is his initial response to everything. With a little encouraging, he carries on a conversation.

Bob wants me to tell everyone, "Thanks for reading about us everyday."

Bob's memory seems to be getting longer. Many times, he still needs clues to get him started; then he remembers all. This applies to short-term memory things. I have notice something interesting. Bob may not initial remember immediate things; however, the same short-term things are remember a day or two later. Hmm...another baffling brain activity.

Bob's email
my email

Sunday, June 6, 2010

We are all full of shit...

Today is my 399th post. I don't think I've ever stuck with something so long. Goes to show, "when there's a will, there's a way". I'm in a habit of posting, I can't sleep when I have to post the following morning. I believe that has only happened twice.

Oh dear, did I have a difficult time with Bob today trying to convince him that we were in Roseburg. This is becoming a daily argument. ugh... He was even using profanity; he was getting frustrated and angry. At one point, he asked the waitress at a restaurant, what town we were in. After her response, Bob proceeded to tell his mom, dad, and me that we were all full of shit. From that point on, the topic became a subject we could make "fun" of.

T and I have been sharing his walker (at the same time) when we need to walk somewhere. Instead of taking two walkers or one walker and my wheelchair, I've been holding onto one side of Bob's walker with one hand. It's nice. We have never walked side-by-side. I didn't think my new medicine had any effect yet, but maybe it is working. Maybe I'm expecting to be running before I walk in order for the medicine to be successful.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

good day...

Bob went for a long walk with his dad today. I thought they'd only make it to the end of our property and back. They walked a few blocks.

Yesterday, I wrote in my blog that Bob's memory rejuvenates itself after a sleep. Last night he didn't remember his house in Fairmont, MN. I thought that after a good night's sleep, if he saw pictures of his home in Fairmont, he'd remember. I was wrong. I showed him several pictures of the inside and outside. He remembered the outside, but said he never lived in a house that looked like the one in the pictures. According to Jill Bolte Taylor, there were things that she didn't remember, people continuously reminded her these things, and she didn't want to remember them. She only wanted to remember good things. She felt that her brain aneurysm gave her a fresh start to move forward positively. So, does Bob really need to remember his house in Fairmont? He will if his brain chooses. More importantly, he needs to remember his current address.

Bob's email Jan's email

Friday, June 4, 2010


In the morning, when Bob is all rested, talking to him is so normal. He remembers everything from days before and things of the past. However, as the day goes on, the more mentally tired Bob gets, then the memory fades. For example, this evening we were looking at pictures of his house in Fairmont, MN. He doesn't remember it at all; he was very tired. However, I bet if I show the pictures to him in the morning, which I will, he'll remember. I'll keep you posted.

Bob took a trip to Eugene with his mom and dad today. I was like a lost little puppy, not knowing what to do with myself, wandering from room to room, looking out the windows, rummaging through the refrigerator and cupboards, looking for food I didn't need or want, but ate anyhow. I had plenty to do, but got absolutely nothing done.

I'm having a tough time deciding to let go of my education background to dive into learning trading stuff. It's economically the right thing to do, and I'm sure, once I learn the knowledge part of trading, I can do something educationally with it; it's the "pause" that saddens me. Does anyone have some insight for me? email me

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Go figure...

The brain is a funny thing. During a conversation today, Bob recalled the name of the town in Georgia where Jimmy Carter lives and has farm. What the hell? But, then we have a cabin in northern Oregon. News to me!

Bob's dad sat with him today watching the markets and talked shop. It was interesting listening to how knowledgeable both of them are about trading. I learned a few things. Did you know trading like they do started in 1840 in Chicago.

Bob's email: traderbob@lakestradingcompany.com
my email: jiachini@msn.com

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Recovery progresses...

The PIC line is gone! woo-hoo Bob is one step closer to getting back to normal. We had an appointment with the VA Wound Care nurse today. Bob's stomach wound is decreasing in size, which means it's closing. It doesn't need packed anymore. woo-hoo

Bob also had his drop foot molded for a brace that will help lift his foot so he doesn't trip himself. He is walking very well these days, using a walker of course. He uses the wheelchair at the house. It's time to fold up the chair for good. I wonder what type of guff I'm going to get from that proposal? I'll keep you posted.

The evening ended with dinner with his parents, then choir practice. I noticed at practice that Bob was singing more than other nights. It seems, at least from where I sat, he is able to see and follow his music better than before.

email me: jiachini@msn.com
email Bob: traderbob@lakestradingcompany.com

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Am I on vacation?...

Once again, Bob made me feel good about the new addition and our house. Months ago, he told me he thought we were staying in a hotel. Today, he told his mother that our house is really my vacation home. woo-hoo! However, if I did have a vacation home, it would not be in Oregon. I'd be on some remote island, basking in the sun with a cocktail brought to me by a suntanned muscular model. ;-)

It's amazing to me how the brain works. Memory is so specific. It's as specific as each brain cell has it's own duty. It's not so much the general area of the brain performs a task, it's each cell performs a task of it's own.

Good news about Zachary... Last week, he missed tryouts for a band group in school that is for the best players only. The band director called our home today requesting him to tryout tomorrow morning. That boosted Zachary's self-esteem ten-fold.

Donations for Bob's continued recovery: Bob Pirie Fund, Umpqua Bank, Main Street, Roseburg, Oregon, 97470, Attn: Caryn Martin