Welcome note

When my husband and I set out to find and take pictures of wheelchair accessible waterfalls in every U.S. state, we were excited about the challenge. We gave ourselves no time limit to accomplish our feat; however, we had one mutually agreed upon rule that dictated how long we would stay in any given area. That rule was to never shiver again. Needless to say, adhering to this rule presented a new challenge. The new challenge was to find a waterfall that was actually flowing. Visiting mid-west and eastern states during months that prevented us from shivering are the same months that are hot enough to dry up streams; hence, little or no water flow for waterfalls. The natural scenery and picturesque landscapes warrant a second visit in the early spring right after the snow melts.

Bob and Jan

Bob and Jan
Christmas Eve

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Monday, June 28, 2010

Thanks for your help...

Thank you everyone for your suggestions for helping Zachary with his allergies. He health is, no, has become so out of whack since he has been sick for so long. Many times he expresses his frustration by yelling or crying because he feels so lousy.

Tomorrow is appointment day at the VA in Portland with the neurosurgeons. Bob has had good CT Scans, so I'm hoping his doctor's visit is positive too.

Oh my goodness, I laughed so hard today, I cried. T got my wheelchair for me, while I tutored. There is a big difference in the size of his wheelchair compared to mine. Two of my wheelchairs will fit inside his one wheelchair. Picture this... instead of pushing my chair to me, Bob sat in my chair. Or, should I say, Bob squeezed in my chair. He almost wasn't able to get out of the chair; he stood up and the chair came with him.

We had no arguments today about where we live. However, at one point he asked if we were going to Chicago. When I said, "No", he said, "Oh, that's right. We live all the way over on the west coast in Oregon." YEAH! FINALLY! Now let's see if that response continues tomorrow.

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