Welcome note

When my husband and I set out to find and take pictures of wheelchair accessible waterfalls in every U.S. state, we were excited about the challenge. We gave ourselves no time limit to accomplish our feat; however, we had one mutually agreed upon rule that dictated how long we would stay in any given area. That rule was to never shiver again. Needless to say, adhering to this rule presented a new challenge. The new challenge was to find a waterfall that was actually flowing. Visiting mid-west and eastern states during months that prevented us from shivering are the same months that are hot enough to dry up streams; hence, little or no water flow for waterfalls. The natural scenery and picturesque landscapes warrant a second visit in the early spring right after the snow melts.

Bob and Jan

Bob and Jan
Christmas Eve

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My brain is full...

Just when I thought I was getting the commodity rules and know-how, Bob tells me to sell things I didn't even buy. WHAT? All I did was ask how to make money when you don't have enough to buy. He said to sell contracts and buy puts. AAAA...As Bob attempted to explain the concept, all my brain heard was la la la la. An invisible sheild surrounded my head. Sound waves were deflected from my ears. This is a good reminder of how the students, I tutor, feel when they don't understand a concept, even if, I explain it twenty different ways.

Later, I was writing an article on corporate wellness programs, and I thought to myself, "See this is easy. I feel smart again."

Bob's email
Jan's email

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